Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

t. G. PETITION. 'upon the. Lords Prayer. 1,3 before the Lord his God. What man is hee that fiareth the Lord, him still bee z Chr.z 6.5 teach the may that he(ball choofe. His foule Atli dwell at eafe, andhis feed Aid inhcrste- z Chr. z 7.5. the Land. If ye car fent and obey , yeeJball eafe the good things of the land , but If ye re- pla. 25.12. fureandberebelious,youfballhedeuouredwiththe fwora,far the mouthof the Lord halm r3; ffiokenit. With a number fuch plac es in the Scripture. Finally, therein no good Efà. 1. 19. thing, faith the Prophet, that hee / liallwithholdfrom them that hue a godly lsfe. but zo. I wa/leuen marry thee veto mee for ewer, faith the Lord, yea I will marry thee veto mee, in Efy.3 o.z 3 riyhteoufneffe, miudgement,mmercie,andcompafan. Iwill euenmarrie thee vntamee 48. 8, infatthfielnefe,and thou Atilt know the Lord, and I will heare the heartens, and they jha // lofuah. 17. /mare the earth, and the earth/ball heare the corne, and the wine, the oyle,, and they !ball z. Ch. r 5%z. heart lfrael, Vic. But if profperitie and the Lords blefftngs haue not this erica V.84. xi. in vs, then arc they the Lords gagers to difcuuer worfe matter than happely ei- Ho r z 19 therthe world or we our felues did thinke before to be in vs, or at leaf} fo much to z o. z 1. z z. bee in vs,as pride, enuie, difdaine, fpite, malice, cruelty vnthankfulneffe, wan- tonnelle,vncleanenelfe, with a number fuch. So that flill our ground- worke- Ilandeth fat}, that this profperitie is-one of Gods temptations , that is one of Gods triers and teachers of man what he is and will be that way. It difcouered fal 3 0, inDauid both to the world and toDautdrowneeies his great wickednes. For in his profperitie bee fayd tujh, tub, this wealth andwtaltJha/lnot decay , inhisprofpe- ritfe, peace and tea frommany former griefes hee looked from his turret upon BerfabeVriahswifewith afinnefull thought and deed in the end. It dilcoucred in Salomon ouetmuch loofenes,weakenes of mind, and vnkindnes to God. For his Sa /amom wines were not as they fhouldhaue been'e, they were chofenamitlè of him, and he made an Idolater by them,&c. cSVianaffesexalted -toa kin gdome bewrayedman - aersfarre vnfeemelyfor the meanefl in the world. The lfraelites in their prof- peritie how euer, euer forgat they God and waxed wantons, yea grieuous Inners againfi his Maieflie. How fad was that young man that was fowealthie when Nehe.9 25. he was bidden Idi all So that what-Ihouldhaue li(tvp both heart and Seule to a 16.. good God, that pretfed downemightily,and reueiled afecretbothtohimfelfeMa.z9.22. andothers, euen an vnwillingnelfe to forgot, for God, whatGod iii mercie had lent vpon that condition : what bewrayed that rich glutton in his profperitie, but pride, couetoufne ire, wanton delicacie, contempt of the poore and loch like. Lake. rz. Thofe vnkind guefis bidden to the wedding, what bewrayed they in their prof- Luke. 14, peritie, the rich farmer, the wealthie marchant they would not come, and the married man drowned in his pleafures, bee could not come. Herod in his robes A 1. 1 z. and chaire of ef}ate bewitched with the flatterie of them that cryed, the voyce of GOD and not of man, reueiled that bee was in his moll fearefulland fudden fall. The LORD fmote him, and hee was eaten of Lice. Charge therefore 1.746'7*, them that are rwh in this world , faith the holyApoflle, that they be not high minded, and that they truf not in vncertaine riches, but in the lining God. etc. As if bee fhould fay they haue need, n ot of gentle and foft admonition, but cuen of deepe and dreadfull charges to take beede- So daungerous aching is profperitic to a 'Dentro. 8. frayle man. When thou fbalt come into the good land that I fba/lgiue thee , that 7. &c. floweth with milks and hone, that is withal} bleilings, wherein areruersof waters, and fountains, and deapths that }`firing out of valeyes, and mountains, a land of wheat and barley, of vineyards, figtrees, and Pomegranates, a land of Oyle , Oliue, and Honey, a land wherein thou (bait eafe bread without fcarcitie, neither Alit thou lacke any thing therein, aland whole Hones are Iron, and out trhofel,hountaines thou flak digbraffe, tend when thou hail eaten and art filled, comming to bowies that thou buildedil not, and Vineyards or Gardens that thou plantedilnot, then,then, be- warethouforget not thy GOD, and him that gane thee ail, neither bee lifted vp,fayth the Lord. As ifhe fhould fay,then is the danger, if ever, that-thou (halt wax wan- ton,bath thy felfin pleafures, melt away in dainty curiofty,orcuriousdaintines 1 3 ana