II4.. f1 profitable Expofitton 5, PETITION. and lift vp thy heele again fl a kind God, bid him adue , and take thy leaue of true and due obedience for all thefe mercies. And therefore then, then take heed and beware. Which atfuredly that wife Apr remembring and conlidering, Prom. 3o.8. well prayed that he might not haue too little,leaft!fteale, faith he, and takethenarrar of my &d in vaine, neither yet too much, leaft I be full, and deny thee and fayi, wbo is the Lord Others in their tines knew it, and therefore wrote diners rhinges this way. Falicitaa 6-moderatiodiuidunm contubernium habent. Profperitieandmo- deration dwell in twohowfes. His meaning is, hardly they are found dwelling together. Rare bona fortnna bonayue mesa homini datur. Seldome is goodfoc- tune (that is profperitie) and a good heart giuen to a man together. Mayaae fallcitatis eft à felicitate nouvinci. It is great felicite not to be ouercome of fell- city. With a number fuch like fay ings. Wherefore to go no further, wee fee how the. Lord tempteth vs , trieth vs by proCperitie, to the difcouering and opening, of our hidden fecrets, either good,. or euill,andfor the Lords fake thinking Teri- puffy of it, let eueryman and woman particularly view what breaketh out of them, for all the mercies that are v pon them. And i lay no more. Tom fayd an other of the Lords temptations or trials of man was aduerf,ty, and therefore I prayyou alfotouch that. True it is : fometinies the Lord trieth one way, and fometime another, and many and often rimes by this deepe gager of mens aduerfitie, and the croire.For fo faith the fcripture. Dent. 8. z . Thou 'salt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee this forcie yeeres itr the wildernes , for to humble thee, and toproouethee, to know what was in -thy heart, who therthou wouldeft keepe his comnandements, or no. And, Feare none of theft thinges,. Reuelati. i. which thouJhalt f ffer : behold, itJballcome to page, that the deuill(hall call fineof yow into pri/in, thatye may be tried, andye fhallhaue tribulation ten digits : Bee thou faith- Chap.3. t o. fullveto death, and I wilgiue a Crowns' of lf. Againe, Becaufethon haft kept the word of my patience,thereforel will deliuerthee fromthe honreoftentation, which will comev- ponall the world, totrie them that areontheearth. Which places with many moe that might be alleaged, teacheth vs euidently, that thus the Lord trieth his chit- dren,when itpleafeth him, euen in the furnace of aduerfitie, caufing them eher- by, not vnto him, who knoweth all things before, but vnto themfelues and the world, to difcouer and open what before was not fo knowne, namely, either pa= tience or grudging againfl the Lords vifitanon : as in examples plainely we may- fee. Abraham waited a longtime for his wifhed child, and that delay of the Lords was his great tryall. What opened it ine.4braham, hut a moll fnguler) Rom..}, t 8, Faith, before not fo weil'knownc vnto men, that euen abone hope he belieuedvndr' hope, that hefhouldhaue what was promsfed, and not weake in faith, confdtred neither hies owns' body, which was now dead, being almoft an hundred yeeres old, nettber the deadnes- óf. Saraeswombs' : but without doxbtingreftedfülyallured , that what the Lord hadfayd¡ hee was able to. doe. Jacob wonderfully toiled with the wanes of much bitterad- uerfitie by his wiues, by his children, byhis friends, and eucry day almoll by one thingor other, yet xeuer !hewed forth a patient heart, abelecuing heart, and ma.. ny great verrues, of all Gods children to be many times thought off. Andros, was aflli Rion a difcouerer of his good graces to.the praife of God the giuer , the - true commendation of himfelfe the receiuer,andall our examples that confider them. Howdid aduerfitiemanifellin lofeph: againe the gifts of God? What Faith did affiie ion in herdaughter bewrayand lay open to all men in the woman- Math. 15 of Canaan, when the Lord Iefus gate this teflimonie of her., O woman great is thy- Faith, be it vnto thee as thou wilt f So that you fee where theLord!hadwrought any- good, t here this trier and gager of the Lords aduerfitie opened it, and reueiled it to his glory. Now 1ooke -ar other Rune, and you than fee an other courfe or o thereffe &softhistemptation. The children ofIfraeh cafe in eiEgypt is knowne veto