Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6. PETITION. avpori theLords Prayer. II f vnto vs, how grìeuous and euen marueiloustheir bondage was,asalfò k iw the Lard fentMofes and r.44ron to deliuer them. Who at their fiat commingwere c en. g. welcommed and reuerenced ofall the Elders greatly, they then expecting by them a releafe from thofe woes. But after a v<hile when the King incteafed their affietió,& charged the taske-mailters ro detiuer them no more ltraw,& yet to re- quire the whole number of bricke,vpon flràrpepubi(hment, if they performed it ziot,what then bewrayed this tryall in them O fee and conlider. They fly vp- pon the Lords. Minifers and metfeners with an open Mouth, with raging palli- ons, and the Lord ¡oakç e'osjoà, n4rndgejou, lay they. Fe- yam hatieMade airrfa- ieemdtinkeb forePhataoh, aiti1be`orehisferiránts, inthatyéehakeput a freordeinhie Gen. t4. hand to flay vs. When they were infeare ofl'hai-aohs hoff pùrluing them alter they cee.z5. 4 weredeliucred, thty did the liké : henthey wanted water they did the like: when chap.i5 they wanted vivaIs they did tthc like, and their mslrmurings, grudgings, and curled fpeakings are cuenfearefull when wee read them. So that wee fee now in there how aduerfttiebewrayed corruption, incredulitie, impatience, and many foule faultes, hidden before from men, and happily euen from their owne eyes The likemight be (hewed in many moé. Euen the Apollies the'mfclùe'sdécl'arcd their weaknetie v<hen they were thustried by the appreh enfion oftheir Mailler, and they fled away. Teter more than all the reft, when a pobre maid made bins deny, and euery que lhonredeny, and forfweare. Euerywaytherefòreiduer(iry rs atell-tale. And beingfent in the wifedoine of the mighty God to any man or woman with commlfionto examine them and to difcouer them, itdoils indcede efledually,andquickly (hew what is within. If faith, patience,hop e,humiltie, loue of God, and fuch like venues bee there,Co he Iheweth by and by : and if tint, fohe (h meth alCo without partialitfe, andmaketh euen a world ofwitné ire ofit. Trudy therefore, faith lefete Syrah,Thefuinace trieth thepetters vef ell, and aeffifli- Syrac. z y .5' dn :lab the itiiandgodly. And Salomon; as ljlutr and gold is tried byfire,fo cloth pron. I7.3. God proue and trie thehearts olmen. Your Fathers. ('faithIudith) werètempted, that theymight bee- triedandprsited,whether they trueyfromtheir heart worihhippedgod. The want of the true knotnledgehecreofmaketb many halite fudges and iudge- Ittdit.8.zr.. ments in the world, menby and by entringinto forte cuill conceipt of tlieir eftate with God,whomtheyfee in this'cafe Tritely itit too true. Foreuenae the Prophet faith ofthe head. , fo is itfound in the members; they are ït sdgedandplaguedandfmittenofgod; weehide .aifwereosirfacesfriEfa.53.3.4 them,theyare defpfed,and we efteeme themnot. A very grìeuousfault in whofoeuer doe fo, and checked with thepeadife euer fthc liuingGod vpon his Children and nsany fweete and truecomforts out of the word. For *bat fannei, it, faith he, whom the father chaffenethnot 1 As ifheeseb, 11.7. lhouldfay, there is noise, neither tuer was, or euer (halbe. But euen all & euery one leire or more is thus tempted, tryed, arid proued ofGod in time. And ther- verfe8. fore, ifye bee without carrel-lion, whereof all are partakers, then areye baftardes and not Màt, 56. finnes. Whof- euer will bemydifciple, let him takevp hit crab andfo lloW me. For through tl z4. tribu ¡ati000 muß theentrance into Gods kyngdcme be. Whereforeforgetnot(faith Eyck zz.f. theApoille) the con / ofatiomm hìchfpeakethvetoyou aichildren: Myfonndi(pife not the Iam rr It z. chat wing ofthe Lord, neither faint when theet art rebuked of gin. For whom the Lord ln tie.'; ot fe louethhechaf e»etb,and pee fcosìr eth emeryTonne that he recen:eth. And lames againe renceoffaith moacomfortably: 3' leffedist a man that in durethien: ptation,for when iietetriedhe-a,,dfr.4,, /l eN eceioeethe crown of life whiìh the Lord bathh promifed to them that loue him. But rfiy'purpofe is not to enter into this common placenow, 1 haue done it elfewheret and there is fcarce aleáfe of the whol fcrip'turë that llayeth not our hearts again(' this hellifh conceit, that aduerfity; of idion, and thefe crofling trials, ortrying crones (hould import an angry God towards vs did. God forbid, The tructh is otherwife, as Ifay. Bind Ialfo very, willingly coe'e f fe it. Sit jet gìue mreseine I pray pro Th ie 1 4 gmeralitie