Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

64, PETITION. vpon theLords Prayer. 117 Heppe leaded-1 mee timely to election, the higheft ofthe ladder. JCiuerather dsli gene, fayth Saint Peter, my brethren, tomakeyoxy calling and eletlion fare. Yea , ZPeter. t 8. out how ( might they fay ) than wee doe it? 'Peter telleth them, Ifyee doe thefe thinges,youfballnexerfall. And what bee chofe thinges ? Hee alto theweth them, verf 5. namely : Ifyouioyne vertuewithyoter faith, andwith vertue, knowledge ; and with knePledge, temperance ;andwithtemperance,patience; with patience, godlyneffe;with godlyneffe, brotherlkndneffe; andwithbrotherykindnes, loge ; &-c. Nowwhati s all this but Sanctification of hfe. So that hill our rule is proued, that if wee would know whether wee bee eleded to hue in heauen, wee mutt euer looke how wee lead our hues in earth. And ifthere the Loxv hath changed vsfrom care- leiretocarefullmen and women, ro pleafe him in holynetfeand righteoufnefle all the daies of our life, .theists this San tification a note of I uftif cation, Iulh6- cation of Vocation, Vocation ofEledion, and fo heauen is ours. Butnov`e take heed that inehis fearch for holy nellèoflife, wee bee notcaried away with outwardfhewes. For Inch holyncile holieth not either in promues orconclulì on ofourformer argument. The Loan abhorreth reproaching lippes and re= proaching heartes. And Except yourrighreoufneffe fayth bee, exceedethertghte - Flay 2t amines of the Scribes d Pharefies,yon (hall newer enter into the Kingdome of GOD. That Al,;;. g, is, exceptyouhaue more than a painted* ifardewhich they had molt glorious , and acounterleite Hypocriticall lheweofholynetre, your reckoning of heauen will bee without your hot!, and you will fayle of it, Write, fayth the LORD to the Angell of the Church of SARDIS, IKnow thy work's, forthouhafla name that than ltswfi,,-but thouartdead, It is no titen a name on ely that will fettle thy Rom g, Z. x1roe. Hautnga !hew isythPalate, efGadlyneffe, but ham denyed the power thereof, 2.7im.j.. As if hee thould lay, vame and thrift vaine is the thew without the power, and trugth, when this fearch ofour elebon is ¡n band. Obeloued, confider then of thisearnellly, and thinkeivith your feints, if there bee no comfort to be had Note. in our heartes that wee are theLORDS, appoynted to life and blilfe in the world to come, but only by a trueefpiall of Sanctification oflife in our felues, howe careful! fhould Wee bee by hearing of the word,by praying, by reading, and by all appointed :good meaner to haue this change wrought in vs, that our light ping forth,may not onely make others glorifie our heauenly Father for his grace in vs, hut cuen vnto our feluer as Saint Peter fayth .: Make your election and future tiste irs the glorious Kingdoms oiGo n lure . Trudy there fhould bee f. Pet. t.t8 no cares greater than this, neither any diligence as the Apofilefpeaketh more yerf. t8. faithful' whilefl wee hue. And fee with your felues in yourfecret meditations often, this difference ofholynel %and vnholynes,offan & ification and prophan- uetl'e,the one proueth vnto mee my euerlafling soy with. Go o,when this courfe is.cuded,and the other my atrured woe with the Deuill.& his Angels in the black- netîe ofdarkneife for euer. O what are the pleafures of fenne then fora feafon, when fweete meare (hall hauefo route a fauce ? Could the LORD with a more pears ùgargumentprickevsforwardtoholylife, or with a (harper knife cut in fonder the cordes ofvanitie, iniquitie,andlinne,wherewithThoulànds of vs are fo fatted and hampered, than to teach vs that the one atrureth vs of lading life, and the other oflafting death in the worldro come. Trudy hee could not. And therefore euery one lay his hand vpon hisfoule betimes,beleeue the LORD and wee (hall not bee confounded. Had I wifi, fayth the old Prouerbe, commeth euer too late. Now liuc like aChriflianamongfl men, and euerhue like a Saint among the Angels of heauen. For the LORD bath fpoken it. But now foake in firme with.the bit in thy teeth vnreftrainable,and then rot in the reward ofit,an euerlaE ìngcutfefrom God and all his ioyes,for the Lord hash alfafaid it. And if thisf auftificattoíibeloued, may-not bee inihew onely, :as hath beenefaid, but in trueth andvetite, how defperatei how woeful!, how wretched and miferable is the eflate ofrhazinan and woman, that bath not fo mud1 as a (hew If there bee n