ii8 ./1 profitable Expofitton Ó. PETITI '. nocomfort got by a gliftering outward appearance, whatcomfort may bein the foule, ifthe Lord awake tothinke ofit, where euen this all'vtterly wanteth, and the contrary, to wit, all liber_tie,loofenelle, and linneaboundethweruadoully? Shall wee forget the curfeof our Sauiour CHRIST in the Gofpell vpon the rig tree, that yet had goodly leaues frelh and grene becaufealto with the leaues is had no fruite. Iffofearefullacutfe light vpon that, Ocurfeof cull es, howe many (hall bee vpon thofe trees that haue not fo much as ieaues, no not one gteene leafe, but are altogether withered, twice dead and plucked vppe by the motes, Wherefore I pray you as you loue your life with GOD another day, and delire any atrurance ofit to your foule in this world, Giro, your bodyes dayly aliuingfacri- Rom rz,i rice, hod, and acceptable Onto ] GD, whichicyonrreafona6leferuingof god, Andfalhi- Philltp,4 *8. thatyou may/proue what that good but bee you and chaiinged feet will of rental God t of And what - foener thinges are true, whatfoener thinges are honefl, whatfoeuer things are iufl, whatfoe- uerthingsarepure, what.(ocuerthingsareworthylone, whatfoeuer :binges are ofgood re+ port, if there be any vertue, orrfihere bee anyproyfe, think! ofthefethinges. For as you haue heard andfeene truely proued, thelè things Ihall allure vs, that we are the Lords, cared for heere,and chofen elfe where to bee with bun for euer and e- uer. And the want ofthis reformation preacheth nothingvntovs, but that as yet wee knows no intereft wee haueto thofe tatting byes, and that heauenly Fa- ther. The Lord Ílrengsheis vs, and the Lordchaunge vs that we may be chaeu- ged, Amen. You fay this Sanllification muß be true and right,or'rlfe it Both not proueveto vs our elethen, I prayyooe therefore how may this beeknawen,namelywhen it is true andright,and when not Matter, To know this, wee muR euer looke at rhematter and manner of our aetions, Manner. whereby weworlhipGOD. For ifeitherofehefebee wrong, then is it notthat holynetre which the Lord alloweth. Concerning the matter, wee mull looke that the thinges wherewith we ferue God becommaonded ol God, and not inunted and deuifed by ourfelues or any man elfe. For invainefayth the Lord Ieftts, doe Lat.rg 9.youfeeketoworJhipmee, teachingferdot-trine mens precepts. Which one thing- flic- keth to the venie harta thoufand will worships in Poperie neuer commaunded of GOD, but brought in of lìnfull man for aduantage fake. as Mattis, Pilgrima- ges, holy water, holy bread, cenfinges ,creepings, and fuchlike., :Then though thematterbegood,yee if the manen be euill,wefaileto pirale God, And there - /Woken forecuetithofefacrificesandceremoniesthattheLordhimfelfeordayned ,heof tenteachethheclothabhorre ,forwantofarightmapnerofdoing them. What $fay. r.I t halm Itodoo( faithhe) withthemultitude ofjaurfacrifcct2 Bring nomooblattoneto inee invaine:Incen a is an abhomination to me,I cannotfitff enyour newt Montt, nor your Sob- both day es ,it is iniquity,myfoule hateth the, they area hurthë to me.&, c. Againe ofprat- Mat.6. er. When yon Perch outyour hands I will hide minceyes;and though yournake many pray- ers, Iwillnorheure. An example we fee in the Scribes and Pharefies alines, and long prayers.reiec'led. Alatfe LORD, and why fo,might the Lewes fay? Sure- ly would heeanfwere, becaufe though you doe thofe thinges rightly in refpee-t of matter, be caufe I commaunded them, yet doe you not rightlyin refpeet of man- net, and that alto I feeke ofall men. I prayyooe thenwhat isthe right manner that GOD alloweth 2 This mull welearneby diligent hearing & readind ofthe word.For therm bath the Lord laid downe both what wee íhall doe, and how wee fhalldoe. Generally pi,k. 11.6. thus much now confidérand take with you,that without faith it is impoPleto pleafe God, and therefore concerning manner, no ac°cbon canpleafe GOD, though it were neuerfo glorious, except it proceed fróm an heart purifyed by faith. Cain and e. be/ lofferedbothfacrifices, thetinetleafed ,theothertnot.AndwhylBtttföt this