64 P E T I T' I ON . vpou tbeLvxdr `l'rayer. 119 this thing, becaufe eArbell had true faith in his heart, from whence rhataftion tic-. wed : and Cain had none, but onelydid the outward.worke for fafhionfake and order. So thoufands mod then in thofe daies, and now in ours, that one day ¡hall know with woe, what it is to haue outward thew, without inward faith. Then it is required concerning manner,that all our workes be done in humilitie and low - linetle of mind, we euer confelfrng truely, that we notwithtlanding all our works; are vnprofitable feruants. The want of this made the Pharifies actions abhor - ro red, which othcrwifeinrefpe &of matter were well. for who doth not acknow- Loc. r8.r r. ledge that not to be an extortioner, vniull, an adulterer,to Taft, to glue tithe tru- ly of all we haue, are good thinges, but to doe thefein pride and conceit , with boaaing and bragging, and with our humility, alas the Lord abhorreth it, and fendeth vs away like proud ¡starers, not like Chrillian prayers to his heauenlye maieltie. Thirdly, it is required that wehauchope. For although we ought to be humble,yet not to throw en downe mull webee, but that aill IA e ref} Crated of acceptance with God for Chrifl ,alt hough not for the worthinetfe of our works : e in that hope offer cheerfully our obedience to the Lord. Thus reacheth Teter r.Pet.z.g. rhenhefaitht Tee allft,atliuey flows be made afpirituallhoufe, an holy Prieflhood, to offer vpfpiriteallfacrifces acceptable ro cod by lefier Chriji. Marke thofe words ( ac- ceptable to God by Iefus Chris }) vponwordsour hope is euer furely builr,which now uptake of. Fourthly, our adhons mutt bee done intone both to God and man. For ifwe could fpeakewith tongus ofnìen and Angels, it we haue no loue we are but as founding bralre,andtinckling Cymbals. Yea though we feed the poore with all our goodes and giucourbodies to be burned, having no loue, it thall probte vs nothing. Laltly,all our workes,wordcs and thoughts Mould re. fpeft the Lords glory, and not our owne. For if wee doe any thing to bee feene ofinen, Vereylàíth our Saviour, they hate. their reward. And thus doe you fee S: now which is true fandifi cation and byline &Teoflifc, fuch as will truely moue to vs our election and future glorification with Father, Sonne,and holy Ghofl, ita the kingdomet f heauen. Euen wordes, deeds and ferret thoughts thus warran- ted both for matter andmanner as bath beehetltewed. Thinke Of thefe rules,& examine your felues by theirs. Cílly heartconfenteth to allthefe properties oft tree Santlifrcation;and right obedience, ballet gets meeleanetoqucflionformymolicomfrf rt. What now ifthfethinges bee in2 m s orwonanwithgreatimperfe`ion,/halltheieforetheirwerke be reiealed,ándyeeldeno comfort concerning their elellion? God forbid. And therfore thusmuch take with you further that exercifinggyour felfe in things commanded,& doingthemin this manee as hath been faid,fo nere as the Lord inablethyou, wre [Hi ng accord ingto the meafureofyour faith, euery day to be leiíé finfull & morerighteous,though the perfect r ighteotifnelle which the law reyuirethbenotfoundin you byrea fóofyour weaknes, yet are you cori- ted in the fight of God Sanctified, holy & acceptable in Chrilllefus, & fo foaled vp to the day ofredemption. And that I may not fay it to you,but proue it,confi- derIprayyou the example ofSaint Paul himfelfe,whothough he were fo faneri- lied and borneanew, as thattherupon he might fafely & furely conclude his elec- tion for euer,to inherite heauen by Chrifl,yet felt he & found heevery many im- perfe lionsinhimfelfe,&faith plainly. lallow got that whiclldo. ForWhat/would, that dolnot ,bur what I hate that doIAgainewhen I would do good, I am thus yo- ked,thateuill isprefentwithme. Again, inmymind TferuethelawofGod,butinmyflerl Rom. 7.tS tbe low offix. owretchedmantharlamtherforewho /haldeleermèfromthebodjofhis deg#hi with fundtpttthet fliesckes to the fame end in that 'place. Wherby I fay we are.plainly taugháá,rhat hsiinaine imperfei`tion is farre from prouingany thing a: gaina our truefandification:, Yea,this is the true perfe(Iion ofthem that are borne anew, toconfeffe withthe Apoftle,- that theyareimperfeet. And to out greatcomfortletvs note it, that thisApottle, fanétified thus '- imperfec ly, and groning