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4. PETITION. »pon thé Lords Prayer. 121 mee,quickenme. Yet was not DAVincaft away, though for his finneot.eyial, or Gods glorie, or others example, he was thus many times troubled by a grit- ¡ions dulnetfe andmany tempting teares. Alas it is the courfe we mutt euenac- countof, for our better wakening, and which Gods chofen haue euer catted yet .without reie hon. The Mother after thee had felt her child mo u e, hopeth the be(l, though euer it moue not, and whenweakly it flirreth,(hc cherefully hopeth of greater itrength in rirne,and fo muti wee. This fweet fpirit is not alwaies alike that difference may teach vs,it is great mercy tohaue much,and make v, thank- ful!. The Sunnethiningfo faire is often couered with mifhe clouds from vs ,yea, and euery day ferteth, and as it were taketh his kaue. But wee fee thofecloudes vanillt away in time, and the cheerfull riling followeth after his heauiefeiting. It is not suer Winter,nor euer Summer, bur after a faire day commcthafoule, and backe againe. The tree is not alwaies greene and flourithmg with his cheerful! leaues. Yet li herb it in the roots when outward lhew is gone. And truly fo doe wee, (letvs in comfort krrow ir) in ourCbrill rooted remains aline fate andPure, when blufteringftormesoflhrewdtemptations bane l hakenoffourlcaues, that ás our cheerful! thoughts; words, and countenance,and for our better fchooling, the Lord a little bath left vs to our (dues. The foundation ofour hopeftandeth fart,wbombeloueth ,to the end becloueth them. . And I am perfwaded that hee that bath begun this goodworkeinyou, will perform' srvntil l the day oflefus Chrifl. For John. s3. t. the ytfteíandcállin ofGOD, are without repentance, with a number of filch. So Philip.t.6. that though the fadnell'eoffoule come vpon vs, and great difquictneifcbewith -Trod; z9. in our breaft,yet mu if we like faithful! children as the Lord (hall lnable, fay, Still Tfal4.z trufi in god my foule, forJwi/lyetgiue him thank:, &c, . -O tarrie thou the Lords lea_ Pfal. z 7. fare, beefirong, and heelball comfort thy:heart, output thou thy truß in the Lord.íMa- my times read that 77. Praline, and fee the downe fades of.Gods Children, and how againe they catch holdandifctamblcvp, conferring i tr.() be their infir- mity, as indeed it is. Andthe Lotd :o6comfortworke ourcomfort. mil Godthen accept Tome obedience f Yet againe do you aske me that f Was itnotprouedeuen ,npw that fan&ifica- tionwithimperfection, isneuertheletfe true fan lhfication and accepted. But youf hewapafíionftillfollowingt#regodlym ind,thatwhatitwifhethtohaue, it feareth to want, and therefore neuer is wearie of proofe to haue o hat heart defi- reth. Therefore euen againe Iatifwerc you that bee doth. And bee fudge your Mar.9.24. fel fe.When the Father cryed with weeping eyes, Lord I beleeuo, h el pe my vnbeleefe. r .Ktn. 5. t Did the Lord anfwerehimroughly,Cirra, I accept no imperfedi faith. No,no,he molt gracioufly accepted his fome faith,and helped his child. Doe wee notmark it toour greatcomfort what the Lord badde the Prophet anffwerero Ieroboamcs wife, that came difguifed to aske concerning her fcke fonne, namly, that be on- ly of lerobaam Ihould come to the graue, becaufe in him there was (owe goodnes toward the LordGod oflfraell? Therefore men Come gopdueffe, fame grace, fomefaith, Comel oue, fonie obedience you feis not ouer looked =ofourmoltmer- Swear® .cifullfather, though-it bee butlittle. For it is not the qusistiti e but the quality, that is, nòt how much,but how true,that the Lordregardeth, , All thole eies that Ñote: looked vpon the brafen Serpent were not alike great, and yet the leaft eye reeei- tied health by that looking. So are not all nxlísfaith alike. For the Lord giueth at his otvne good pleafure in great diucrfitie, and yet the leali being true looketh wponthe:utie Caine ofòutRings refembledby the brafen Serpent Chrill leiisto .eternalllifei aswell'as the greateft., Though our father chide them for their lit- tle faiths yet elicthemeuer !tied them that had any. Euery poo re beggars hand is notaldce, and yet the leali ferneth him to takea penie as well as the greatcft So fhálloitr hand of faith doe lwarrantyou, and therefore reach} it, out with cheere,fearenot.