Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6.-PETITION,. vpbwthe Cdr Pr4ier, 123 What iterations anddoublings are thefé And if the Lordmullbeheardwhen he fpeaketh tingle, how Will he take our deafnelfe when hefpeaketly juble. The Ch'a . 4.4 fruit of the fpirit í ioy. Itcauferhgood health faith Salomon; and refide ithot then. a <Thef.5. The greatnelfe of lin is another of the vncomfortable naeditationenbw and the .9 , of Gods deere ones,they fearing and Ihaking to behold the fame, leatt! the Lords G414. 5. itdìice ( hould brake out againit ir,and confume then; riButgood beloued let vs Prou. r 7.2 is bewife as the Lord would haue vs, and that is thus, %zip-meditateoffnme , but The great -, Still haueancye to the falue oflinne Chrill lefus,atidihen though it he neuerfo neìoJSiune: terrible by his foule thape,and feeme tieuerfo ftrong'te glue vs atearefull fall,yet: (hall itbefou nil too weak e, and wee receiue after amazing feare, twecpnfortaii gainll it, and the deadly fling thereof. It a naafi were upon the- tols.mFa'high toy Wet without batticn ents- ;itwould feemeftatefulhvtito:himtoloolde'doiwae:hut) if he haue high and prong battlements'that hefttayt tee hold ori,notfo: !Eoeril foitis with Mine, lookkvpen' it without our"ftrengr$ägainitit, auäiiationim -' eth to death,but with him it vaníihettiavtooweaketocondemneni;bdstl)ofen. Dauadr adultci y and murder were greatfadnes,yyetrepentanctfouttà mercy, and they were pardoned. Peters denyalswere great flnne>;,gyetán Chri a raced our, when he wept bitterly for them. Pod): perfecitting.atfd making hauockeofthe congregation was nofinalloffence,ytt woundedharefoundatorgiuingGoo, when open eyes faw what was done. <Tholèmorniuving &EWES after lo many Exod. ltraunge worker and wri.nders Wrought ofthe Lord for their deli uerance, making queftion whether heewereáñwngathem 'or no;dfïthey lightly offend? Or doth not the Scripture caery where Coate of it art molt hortibleand dreadful! offence? Yet was there mercie with G4dand pard mud repentaiá4e. But this courfemight bee long ifl Ihouldnoteal1paeticulars.. Let vs f1aritberèfoe with chofefnurdring Lewes, not of a rn alefaRor hut ofa iúltone, nor of the bonne of man, but ofthefonneof Gad Chri lt'lefusi sandconftderwellwhethei:thc earth hath yeeldedlince her fiat dreation a grearetdtgnity, sat whether the heauetui haue behelea more vggty'tranfgréffion F r5urelyy,sts neither atiy.wlue torn- parable: yet in Chrill wás this pardonable, and euenoiretiaihen theirheads were cedwith the innocent blouldof Chrill iefes,and'ditcfpgireffaraeiwaflsed that Al7.z.&3 pearced his holy heart, euen then Ifay;.preachtdSPH2t ?Rpardoatotrcvrepintance, and as many as repented had mercy. Tothc greatnelfe of their (trine aside the vnfeelingnelre ofiheir heart that had no remarie for any thiñg they had done. And thenaonftder,willthc Lord offer mercy beforeir be fought; .arid Phut vppe merete when k it fought ?, Will hee fogracioufly'feeke to drawe men to repen- tance, and fhowe no pittie when wee repent 3 Will the Lord 'fogiuc the death ofhis dere forme tothebloudy murderers of him,and teeuer be intreated for fin (though grievous) yet not comparable ? O God forbid,that afterthis example of mercy tothefecrucifiersofthe SonneofGOD, Satan (houlduer (hake our faith by feare ofany finne to be vn pardonable,which with s' ayling hearts we la- ment that euerwe commited again(' our deare GOD. Therfore take tali hold of it, and print it deepely in your memorie. Iomit loohs Children, I milk Ma- » afru)Iomitmanyrhatmightbenamed, perufe their francs; andbehold with ioy in a gracious God their full rerniflion. When -the,Spirit o truth fa(th,we, c thy/immerse red aafcarler , cloth heemeaneto comfort againfi knell and few often- . . ces,oragain(t great and many ? Trudy euenagainft all;urtr(tyou needs con- Fein. And if you will not, S. Zahn will reproue you, . whofayth; thaióloudJhad c /eanteen front all tne, makingnodi( lindionofferiormany ,greatordittde:Some f,r not all. And i the Lori' ditinguifh not, that mu Thew memerde,Idefieadi- -.s Ilingur(hing deuil!, ofwhom I recite no mercy. Confider it ofté,fhat dream A- .c s polite falth,l fweacLwwledgeourfin,Godtáfaiebfulltofargiwevs. Making the aifu- i. -oS ranceofpardontoaconfeffing.l inner,holeirefore than it is that God id faithful.' ., t.4. %)1-1 ar.8.$t m i 0 beloued