Izo 41 pr titbk Expaftson G.1,'f TIT ioN; O beloued, can G o D bsàvtlÇaithfull ? if he can, then feare: If not, be of goog comfort, for focertaioe4snlercytoa bleedingheart, as hee is fathtu11 that caa Comfartakle benoother. Olweet fo.undation: of ourwdhed ioy, the etlence of our God. A- game,is it nut ao article ofQUr faith , that our frnuesfhállbepardoned ? gill you faylittl¢lttines; Godforbid, reUraine not Gods mercy, deny not yon5 faith, and then mu llyottbee,coiolortahle. Remember againe what, the Lord le, -14"0.3 -7. fus faith : ;¢(l tl ar tb Ei i r glue le teKo=;Jk4ll cóme tó,naes and him 041' carnmerh to mIe,Icafb get atya7. H W1tata :Cpeechtslfii$ii. .,ifwemarkeit ? And what a coin- fort and ioy is there in it, ifwee haue hot euen a peece ofail heart to receiueit t For toles patl'e the former part, l foplainely taking away diftindionof Iewe or Gentile, ofbondeor free, , inathrmingçhat all that the Father giueth him !hall come toChrUl,. what tiatiofor language foeuer they bee off, how fweete isthe fecond part to a.fihnefiU ferule groaning and lighing veder theburthcn of iniqui- tie, foreladcnandeuelpreifeddownewiththoughts, wordes, and deedes in the fightofthe:Lorddanmable ? For what might bee your cafe,lookeatyourfelfe, lüaue you read in the law, C1C if: God -itcr into lodgement with you , Marie is fpgreat,that you are butgane ?D¢ your tranfgreffiions prtcke you, &loots courfg oflife heginne to fling your What then?. are you dead, and will you not hue, are you ill,and will you bee no better ? . Siitarteth your foulewithin through rhg eleepe wound offinne, and will you haue-no cafe? .Q.pas full fayne,fàyy ,t ,bgt r iy finnes,my fins are fo out of meai ore, great & hottikie, that I fearc the Lord hash calk ines off', and bath no inercyfDejwee AhZéiye/lauanr. DothmySa- uiour fay hem, lice that cominetbfos iséánd.isapedffleriegreatruiner, Icali not away. No, no Satan,my God and Lord, my Chtilk and ioy fpcaketh inde- finitely of any man, afanywoman,itta 'eafe,heethatcomnaethvnto Luce, be hee Ewe, bee hee Gentile, bee hee bond, bee hee freer. Greeke or Barbarian, and what finneorfrnnesfoeuerhebetrouhled fig, how wake and frailefoeuer, howpoore and vile fo euer, yeabehis fumes moo than. the hair es ofh is head, ma than the fand of the Sea, fothat his heart faire hint with :Dauid for them, yet if he come tohim, he isweleanae,heisaccepted, and bee will not cart him away. Q foule awake then, be of good'eheere Within me, cart away thy monrningwee de , and harkentothy moR'gracious G'ioisisfosty you fay, Sorrowing and and flab, Ing for chat which is pall, as my duey lito him wilt 1go, knowing that he is fame yel lerday, and to.day,' and fnr.euere:. Hispittiedecreafethtacit , hismerq, fadeth nor, others haue found it, andwily.fhould I doubt (alit ? Neuer carog fanner with forrow and,faithbuc bee was accepted, and his owne mouth in this placefayth it, No man there ea,ntneth es meewill l eafii away. Nay,fee further comfort hereby there words. Were it fo that my heart were as itwetsclofed vp for a time ( the Lords willbeing in thisfort to eserciCe mee, humble mec, and trie mee)that I could nothdeeue,rior pray,norforrow,nor feels any comfort,yet dealer there wasa time wherein I could do thefe things, and did them in and with a feeling of fweete airurance of Gilds fattour in Clad ll to my poore foule, that time dotb tell mee thatthe Father hashgiuen nie to Chrill, and that I did come to himthen,& now I heave that hee that comtneth to him, bee caffeth not away,neuer, neuer. Pjal.3z.Io Thereforebeofgoodcomfort, his fpirit is not gone, itisbut hidden, and wit h- Efay, 1.1 6, held for a time,' as fire courted with afhes, it will come againe doubled and in- to the so. ere af d. For hee that idoricegiueatoChriof his Fat her ,fstamer call away fi- marks the rally, barreuiuethagainethough many times humbled vene greatly for lea- ¡8. well. fon.. Yon haue had examples before. And thus in the Lords helpe and bleffing E e.z8.z3 mry this atlaultofthegreatnetíeoffinnebeefalued. Much and much againeis loh.z o. 7, the llrength in Gads word that maybe broughtto lay in this breach. if [intéded Ioh. 17.23.votùcnes. But by this examplegoe. further your felfeasyou neede. Thefe large fields to walke in, bided be God for his comforts. t 8.8. Is. Sometimes