Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6. petition. rvpon the Lords Prayer. 35 they are carnali, and hee could not fpeake vnto them as vnto fpirituall men,but as onto carnal'. There was puffing, and fwelling, and Pride in fuch order, that the Apoßleaf- keth, Shad I tome vntoyou with arodde,or in lose ? There was Fornicarèon,and e- ,Cor uen fuch as is not named among the Gentiles, one had his Fathers wife, and they 4a8k Y &chaPt ;x. that law iyand knewe it, were puffed vp,and forrowed not : neitherpuni(hed as xx they ought fo fowle a wickednes. There was quarrelling and brabling,and bufie x.Cor, f,r. going to Law onewith another,and that under Infidels: Men and women that weremarried together, mane fepatations and diuorcesofti emfelues one from an Chapt 6, other, of theyr owne authoricics,and when themfelues liffed; without worde and Warrant,without right and confcience, which the Apoffletebuketh, and telleth them it might not be lb. There was going to the prophane bankers of the Gentiles, and eating of things r.Cor.6. facrificed to Idoles,with great offcnce:to the weake.:The very Sacrament of the r: tor, xo. Lords Supper was greatly prophaned, thole Spirituali gifts which the Lord gaue n. them they abufed,bragging ambitioufly of them, & fo robbing God of his praife ta. for them,hauing no conuderation of theyr brethren,to edihe them by an humble minde,fubmitting it felfe to the capacitieofthe weakeft. On the other fide,they that were inferiors in giftes ecuyed the fuperiours, and went about to make a departura,fo that all that body was as it were fcatteted and et p.,4; rent in pieces. That notable gift ofTongucs and languages they greatly abufed, neglecting Prophecie.And what fhould I fay,the veryrefurre6tion,that goat ar- ticle of a Chrifftans faith,was called in queftion in that Church : & yet for all that, and all thefethat I haue thus named,itceafed net to be a Church,and theChurch of God,and fanífified,and blcffed,and made rich with many graces : neyther for Icotrg there blots might anyman have beeneiußified then, to haue giuen it the blacke !lone of condemnation,and to haue feparated himfelfe from it as fromno Church. Let vs remember theGalathilxr, of whcrrie theApofle complaineth, that they were fo Toone remoued away veto another Gofpell , frb him that had called them Galata,ó. . in the grace ofChrifl thattheywerebewitched ,nottoobeytheTruth,buttoturn 2.rß againe vitto impotent and beggarly rudinients, be in bondage to them 4.9 againe, as at the beginning : That they obferued Dayes, Moneths, Times , and Yeares,and fo forth : euery of which was a great blot and fpor,and all together, a very great declining from a right courfe,yer ncuerrheleffe doth the Apoftle in the fpirite of Truth falute them, as the Church of God, and fo nameth them, and chap. .zl fo taketh them. To the plaineFirouiog of this Truth, that imperfebfions in a Church,where the Word is preached truely,and the Sacraments adminifired according to the inftitu- tion of Chriftaakech not away the Name of a Church. And marke it in Taule, becaufe wee feekenot now other examples, hownor- writhflanding there great blemifhes in Corinth,Galathia, and other places that hee came te,yet he.ruer without any temple entred into their Churches,into the Lewes Synagogues,and into all places, to pray,and to interpret the Scriptures. Yea,he made nodoubttoexhtbitehintfelfc in theTemple,to call vpon Go , and tovfe other lawful Ceremonies, together with others that ',fed them: although thewie- kednes'and impie tie ofthe Scribes and Pharifies which were there then, was ex. ceeaing fowle and great. Neyther doth hee perfwade anie of chebetter forte, when hee fpeaketh of the faults either in Corinth or Galathia,or other Churches,to forbeare all Communionwith thofe Churches , till things were better reformed, but onely exhorteth them to beware the vices and cads he fpeaketh of, and neuer mentioneth any feparation. Which afuredly he would haue done,if it had bene as fathom by this temptation that now we handle,feeketh to perfwade. Therefore ( Ipray you)let vs all note it,and thinke of it. And as he did not for- bid others fuch Communion, fo himfclfe did not breake that Fellowfhip, as al, n i ready