Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

A profitaGleExpoliiion 6 petition. ready bath appeared and more may ifwe marke his pradife. For flee faith tothe Ph he,a.u. Philippa/1r, that hee had no body like7tmotheru, but all did feeke their owne and nót that which is Icfus Chriffs ;.: Yet neuer doe we Linde that hee feparated him_ fchefrom their companie for feare of partakingwith their Genes. And diuers fuch other places there are. What might be added of thofe famous Churches in the Reuelation , Ephefcu, PerQamur, Thiattra, and others ? Doth not the Spirit of God lay downe their ble- mifhes, and fheweth what hee had againft them, and thofeno fide things fomeof them, and yet yeeldeth them the names and titles of Churches, and calleth their minifters Angels ? What then ifa man in thofe daies fhould haue taken offence at there wants of there Churches, and weakeneffes ofinen, and haue (aide they haue Preaching. reaching,but the arc not reformed as they fhouldbe, and therefore I will cut without re, m felfe from them and communicate no longer with them : would it haue bene roruiation. y allowed ?Confider the Lord lefus his preaching, with me rei holynes and power than euer any elfe could or (hall. Were all reformed that heard him?Nay were his Idar,ç, ownedifciplcs reformed wholly? How then were they fo often rebuked of the Lord and that iùftly? Confider the Prophets that werebidden prophcfie, and did Elay.69, it carefully, and yet were told that the people would not obey them. Confider Ezck.3,7, the Apotle that fayth ,weareafweetefauourtoGODin fomethat periJfi. Confider that hee which willed) Paule coplante, and e/.ApIllo to water, referueth the gift of increafeto hitnfelfe, and,giueth it where, when, and fo tarre as heepleafeth. So that f the Lords minifters in very great heauines and continual! lorrow of heart would wifhthcmfelues men feparated from Chnit for their brethrenswinning, Ilsall no moe come rothe Father thais C hrif'c will draw, and this happ change muff be at his good pleafure, not at their defire. How then may we fafely fall outwith the preaching. and preacher, and with the Church and her children for want ofthat which onely GOD muff giue., and the belt preachers haue fayled to obtaine, though fatthfally doing their duties, namely a full reformation as we would? Shall that holy worde not reforme mec becaule it reformeth not others? (hall it not be a favour to me of life to life, becaufe to others it isa favour ofdeath to death? ¡thee offer mee apenny !hall' bid him keepe rt , excepthec will glue others as much at mydirr. ìion ? May not the Lord doe with his owne as it plea_ l'etti him lot mee? orfhall I grudge to the Spinte his blowing where hee lifeth? O fearefull falling out with the Lord and his offered goodnes, if it be confidered Note, Carneftly. Wee (Gould remember againe when we look fo after the fruiterofamendment iná Church; and ftumble fo grieuoufly for want ofwhat we with, that Pharifes make greater (limes toCome mens eyes than poore Publi canes doe, and yet the one iuftifiedmore than the other with a righteous God. Wee fhould remember that EGat was deceived when he thought that there were no mbe that wererefor- med but himfelfe. Our eyes cannot fee all men, neither can we know the worke of the word preached. Inward graces are often where we thought not, and outward carie more then wee know. Some iudged leade proues fined golde, and gliftring gold that feemed to bee, proues droffy leade.; A tender con fci ence, fweete,fee- ling an hope in Chrift and his promifes, inward cryings by faithful' prayer, holy thoughts and meditations, fwcete pricks, and melting motions, remorfe for fine, and fpirituall fighes, humilitie of heart, and peace of miede, patience, ioy, and a number fuch, they beferret graces,not alwayes knowne and difcerned ofcuety than wherein truth they are, at leaft not in fuch mcafure as indeede they are. And therefore finer we cannot knowe all, either people, or graces, wrought by the íwordes preached, and there may bee a want afwell in our not feeing all with Elio, as in mens mifdoings: greately (Gould we feare ro condemn & fudge the Churches ófGod, for not anfwering their teaching with any reformation. It is an earnelì: charge, and ofa mightie God. See