Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

I; 8 A profitable Expofition b petulon, Tell me , what one of all thefe men in thofe dayes made a feparated Altar for himfelfe from the reft ? Yet,t_ altafceleraadmittebat ingems plalus ;Ile .1 Man wicked things committed then that wicked people. They facrificed to Idoles,they killed the Prophets, d nemotamen:vlbrumrecef fit ab vnitate, and yet none of the godly departed from the vmtie. VnoTemplo.m f cebsnturfedmixtinonerantcorde. They were mingled together in one Temple, but they were not of one minde: meaning,they approucd not any eu Il that was done. St hoc efl con jntire male facientihu,,effecún) eutn Ecclefia,corth=iiebat eriam ipfe,d-c. If r.COT. I I. r6. this be to confent to euill,to be with euill men in the Church,rhen contented bee 2.11613.1.'5,a to falfe brethren,thatfai;h bee was with them in perill of them, and that fuffered thofe impure preachers amongfl the `Philippians. Zizania ergo vel paleam C athoCwa fixetis nobiscum;copiofimé acculent, fed net f um ferrepatientijmè nonrecufent. Wherefore let them with vs finde faulte with the Tares and chaffe,as theypleafe, freely, but then let vs with them endure them pa- tiently. Etpropter males fil :os NON fparemurei Matre. And for other euill Sonnes, let vs not (hake off and fay fare -well to our Mother. For wee doe not for the krill 48 chaffe forfäke the Lords floore; we doe not breake out of the Lords Netre for a- ny bad flub inclofed thetin with vs : we doe not runnc away from the Lordsflecke, for the Goats that are the e to be feparated -in the ende. Fsn lly,wer doe not goe out of the houfe of 9'0 D, for the veflels therein made veto dilhonour. And a number Inch like fay.ings bath,AuJlenin thefe bookes, and diuers other places of his workes,if this were my purpofed courfe : but they neede not. Confider what Maifrcr Calcin faith,and let.both you and mee marke his itidge_ 'mene. Let vs learne(faith hee)to glue this honour to the word of ç 0 D, and his holy Sacraments,that w herefoeuer we fee them,there we acknowledge a Church. And let boththefepointsreenaineeflablifhed as moll certaine trueths : Eft, that he is without all lull excufe,that willingly forfaketh the outward-Communion of that Church where the word of God is preached,& the Sacraments adminiflred. Calcin. ad- Secondly, that the faultes neyther of fewe,nor many,can any whit hinder vs srerfusAnab. from tetlifying ourFaith rightly, by vie of filch ceremonies as God bath orday_ ned. Becaufe that by no other mans vnworthines, whether her be Pallor or pri- Inftitut.4.r,r9 uateman, a godly conference can bee hurt, neyther can the holie Myfleries leffe pure or profitable to a godly man, becaufe together with him, the wicked alto handle them. Finally,if all things in the Church be not fo well as they fhould bee,concer- 4.Book.iz.rr ping corre&ion of faultes,yet let neytherprivate men therefore,departe by and by from the Church, nor thePaffors themfelues , if they cannot according to theyr hearts defire,purge all things that neede amendment,therefore throwe away their Miniflerie,or with unwonted rigoroufnes trouble the whole Church. Many other places hath this man to this end,very worthy reading,if I might both note all,and be briefe too. But it cannot be and therefore I follow him no further. Onely I reyueft,that we may diligently obferue ic,how Pathan hath euer tempted the chit. dren ofGod to receive this error,and how faithfull teachers withflood it flill,And Aug. E4. if euer he deceiue any, what holdeth them in, and hindereth theyr reformation! .v,C¢c Surely, aiavanamgloriambonneumattendant, &incenfatorumnon contemncntoppro- triton, quiditlnrifant, quart moca. Becaufe they regarde the vaine praife of men, anddoe not contemne the fpeech of the foolifli,whichwsll fay: -Why now? or is he now come home : &c. And with that heauenly counfell of theSpirite ofGod, I conclude this matter: Let vs not forfake that fellowfhip that we haue one with nod rado 5, another, as the manner of forre is. The Lord make it linke in curry mans heart to his good. The