Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6.petition. upon the Lords Prayer. The lecond temptation concerning the Mini(lers. Tilers heeperfwadeth that the whole matter of the word & Si- ` ~ craments dependeth vpon the holines & goodnes of the mini- Rer,fo that ifhec haue any fpot or crime, then may thereby no receiung of theft things at his handes. A moll poyfoned dart alfo of a dearoying dwell, wherefoeuer hee throwethit, and worthy to bee carefully knowne of vs all, how hurtfull and prciudiciall to the glory ofGod it is. Not that minifters fhould not be good ( for the word is plaine,and there is no heart feafoned with one corne of the Spirit ofGod, but itwilheth that all offences were drowned in the depth of the Sea that come this way , and that minifters, as they are called in the word Angels, fo euen with Angels purity, if it werepoflible, they might walke in this world before all men) but that Gods myf{eries may not fall by mans miferies,and his holy ordinances ceafe to be holy, for vnholy difpofers. Knowewtetherefore, touching this temptation, that whofoeuer heareth the word preached, and reeei_ ueth the facraments in their times adminiflred, hee muff euerregard and caryhis mhide to the Lord himfelfe and l is inflitution , and not to the minifler. Which Lord fecretly worketh in the hearten of his chufen , what manner of men foeuer the miniflers bee. For who is `Paul,faith the Apofl le,or who is Apollos,6ut the mmiers t, tor. ;4. " by whomyc beleeued, & as the L rdgatee to emery man. I haue planted,Apo/lor watred,but The miniftcr Godgaue the increafe. S9then neither u hee that planteth any thing,neyther hee that wate- is not any reth, but Godthat giucth the increa /e. If the minifler be good, it is heft for himfelfe, shing,markeia and it isthusfarre good to thepeople, that they haueagood Example, who for their weakeneffe are very hardly drawne without itas Auftenfaith, but the Lordes ordinance receiueth no increafe of goodneffe from him, if hee bee good, neither yet decreafe of holincffè, ifhec be bad ?for it is true, euen in this cafe alfo, that the Rom; . Apoflie faid: Whatthaxy/ Temp did not beleeue? Thal l theirvnbeliefemal tre the faithofGod 33 afno e ffeel? God forbid. Yea, let God bee true, and may manalyar, dirt is written, that thou muzhteflbee iußiftedinthy fayings,and cleere when thou art hedged. Theminiflers badnes may not make the Lord vntruc in his promifes, neither mans corruption, moil holy thinges of none efleát. The Lordes is all, honour, venue, power,grace, and faluation : the mina+ers is onely the outward anion and miniflery. In which refpe / they are called the difpofers of Gods myfteries. If the difpofers bee euill, God is good that fo vouchfafeth, man is not worfe that fo receyueth. They are the Lordes meffengers, and the truth of themeffage neuer hangeth vpon the bearers qualitic. Mens perfonages differ that carry meffages, and yet the meffagefor all that is the fame. Our Fathers before vs in this cafe confdered the fimilitudes ofwaxe andwater, Of waxe that taketh his print as well ofa leaden Seale as a golden, of water that is the Paine whether the conduite pipe be wood or copper. And thereby they con- fidered that Gods holymyfleries, much more are the fame to the faithfull, by whom foeuer dcliuçred. For it ispoflìble that liquor may bee chaunged by a vef- fell, but neuerthefe things byaminifter. Matx ;,t; 7120 Scribes and Phases/es that ftinc./1'4ofes feat, fayth our Sauiour, nhhatfoemerthey .. bidyou,dáe. But after their work.t doe not. For they fay ane doenot. Which wordes our Sauiour nould neuer haue fpoken, if either the miniflermight haue defiled the word , or any man be allowed for the faults of the miniller,tohauereie &ed and re- fufed the Lords myfteries. There raigned at this prefent amongft this order many grieuous iniquities, asinfatiableauarice, cumin g all Religion to lucre and gayne, intsllerable 139