d A pro/itable Expoftion 6. petition. i aollcrable Ambition and pryde,{hamcicfle Hypocrifie,groffe interpretations of the word of God,and what not f They Paid and did not : a moll grieuous thing Rolf 7.13. in aMinifier, firrther then humane frailty forceth, whereof all are full, and the ve- la,n.;,,.. ry greatef} haue complained : yet would not the L.Jrde haue the offence of all Ml: toJh,6n,3, , there to make vile his Holy Word,that is tuer prectous, or to hinder the hearing z of it even at theyr mouthes. Let vs take heed then,how we flubbornly crofiéthe,Lord IES îJS. Hefaith, icceyuc their words ,refrtine their deedes: Let vs notf,y,weewtllnoneof their words,for theyr deeds. Hee faith you mayreceyue their words, and be cleere of their deedes: Let'' vs not fay, wee cannot receiue theyr words, txceptweapproue their' euill,and be partakers of their fumes. This is not reverence to God, nor o- bediente to his Truth. l4'ere it notgroffemadneffe,if traurlling en the way, fl(l (hewed by fome, Note. that wee went the very right way to our iourneyes ende,y et we would goc out of the famt,becaufe hee that (hewed vs,goeth not with vs,but gocth another way ? No earthly Tourney may be matched with our Spirituali Journey to Heauen. For the places we gue to,the good we get, if wee keepe the way , the daungers if we doe not,doe all greatly differ. And therefore if his ex:eni le that bath trucly told .vs a way on earth to an eat thly goocb, fhould not carry vs out of the fame, much leffe fhould his that bath tolde vs tie way to Heauen, and cuerlafting good , doe the fame. Let him goe hisowne course at his owne perill,if he haue truely told vs Io146,6,1,90, our right vvay,wc fhould rake it conflantly,not only without eompanie, but euen againflall exápl ewhatfoeuertotheccnn'ary,beirgprivatemen. The Magifirate bath a further authorJtie in his hand , :urn fharply topunifhfoch offence giuen lay them' that fay , and doe not. Againe, were it not as grofte to rcic& the foode of our bodies,and to die for l,unger,becaufe he that fettcth good meate before vs, will cate none with vs himfelfe ? Totefttfe good gold,becaufe the ground is bad from whence it was diggcd? ludge then whatmadnes for the wants of man to refufe farte greater matters then all tilde ? Remember furthermore what our Sa- viour fai th' in the 6. oflehn: Haue blot chafcnyoutwehte ,and one ofyouisadiaell ?And therearefame among you thatbelieste not. And yet cuen then, e% hen CHR I ST called him a diuell , was ludw an ..Apo: $ 1t, andpfeached,andbaltizedás the re) } did : and neither word nor Sacrament loft their dignitie to the true receiuers,for his great indignity that deliucred them. 04al rufrur apradicabat ,fedCbrfto4erdsiiFide. Aneuillfcruanrpreached,faieth PhiliP,t,tq. eAr.J?one, but Chrill was in the Faith. The Apofile to the Ph :bppsantwe know al- ea' , fo'bsth this tellimonie. Some preach ChriFt,( faith hee ) cam thrauQhenuteandflrtfa, andforce alfo of good n,11. The one part peeacheuh Chesil of contratton,andnot prrrely,(that is, not with a pure mmdc, for othero'ife their do ne was pure) Suppo/loog to add.- more ajfi£tian to my bands. But the other of late, knowing that I am fet for the defence of theca cl. What then? Yet Chrill is pro ached all manner of mayes ,whethcr it be vnder a pretence,or fincerely,and I therein ioy, and will boy. What plainerproofe could we haue, if we would with one, that for the faults taf the Minifler,the Worde and Miniflerie may not be reie&ed. It wase.9uifines 'true ludgementmany a yeare a goe. Omnia Sacramenta dim Wine indignetraEtan- iibit, pr?fänttamenper ear dtyné f mentibuo . feu' ^rerbum tef?atur? ,Qua dicnntfactte, qua autemfactunt,facerenohte. All Sacraments though they hurt thcm that handle Matz ;. rhemvnworthily , profte they them that byfuch receive them worthily, Euen as the word proueth, that faith : All things they bid you doe, doe : but doe not as 'themfelucs doe. And a little after that againe : Although the Spiriteof God bee wanting to the faluation of the Minifler, (íliiraftennmtamen and non defer'', quó per eum fa. been opereturaltorum. Yet is bee not wanting to his Minifirrie , thereby to wotke the faluation of others. And the Apofile himfelfe confirming as much, when