Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

ó.pctition. ,--upon the Lords Pr. yer. 141 when he faith : If I preach theGofpell willingly, I haue a reward : but if I doe it againff my will,notwithflanding the difpcafatton is committed vato mee. That r. Cot. y, 7. is, my Office and Calling vrgeth mee to doe it,and it Ihall profiteothers that I doe it fo vnwillingly, but not my felfa. Againe,the fame Father Ipeakmgof Chrifles beeing Baptized by John, faycth thus; Oolstit Domrnue 'Teruo, f?' file per quemfaUa /unt omnia, ab t/10 gutfaElxa efiin- Algs prodefb ter amnia, Raptizari, vt doceret butntluatem, p offenderet, non intereffe,quis a quo baptt- quibxa hoc zetar, dum eo baptifmo, quo baptizandua eft, baptizettur. TheMaifier would be b apti- dtff enfa, non Zed of his feruant : and He that made all, of him that was made among(! all : to miht, xi c- teach Humilitie ; and to fhewe that it preiudiceth not what manner of Minifter tuslu baptizeth,fo that the baptifmo bee as it ought to bc,that bec baptizeth with. Augufl. con - Neyther would Chrill (faith bee) haue refufed to be baptized of the Pharifies, tr a armen. if they had vied to baptize : For when lice was circumcifed, Iobnwasnotfought for, neyther refufed bec that Temple that was a denneof Thecues. .Qaapropterfiueà F:delr, fue àpo -fida Dts7enrarore Sacramentttm baptifmi pig, per - eipiat,1ees et omnis in Chr :o fit , ne /it maleddlus qui f em point in home. Where- fore whether of a Faithfull, or vnfaithfull Reward, a man receyue the Sacrament of baptifme, let his hope be Pcedfaßdy fixed vpon Chrifl,leafl it be (aide ; Curled bcehee that trufleth in Man. If hoc depend vpon the goodnes of the Minifter, again(! Crefcanitu thus. Blatant , quantum atunet ad vfbrlecl4inifleriumbani d' mall. Imsftbtliter autem per ear baptszat cuiur_tsi vi,G6ile haptifma, é5 muifrbtlis ggratia. Heere baptize inrefpe& oftheviftb leMiniherie both good and bad. Butinuifi_ blie by them Baptizethhee, who is both the vifible Baptifine, and the inuifible grace. Afterward againe, in the third booke ; but thou wilt aske mee(faith hee) Whe- ther is better,a good Minifteror a bad? And I muff needes anfwere thee, that in refpe &of example to the people, that depend fo much thereon, that without it they thinkeeuery thing painful!, and hard that God commaundeth, a good Mini- fter is bell. But in refpe& of the baptifmo and Sacrament it lelte: Si rantóeflme. has quod aecipitur, quaanr ó eft melior per quern traditur: tantóeff inaccipientibtu baptsfmo- rum varietal, quanta in MiniFlrisdiuerfitasmeritorum: If that fhould be fomuch bet- ter by how much he was better that mit illred it,then null there be as great diffe- rences betwixt mens baptifmes as betwixt theyr giftes, graces, and qualities that did baptize, which were horrible to affirms. Tax/ was better then ,,,po /los,inrefpe&ofgrace giuen. Was therefore his bap- tifine better? God forbid. 'Per t 2 '?initlrosenimdqares,`Deimunm equalee t,quia NON i//orum, fed Dez elf. For by his Minihers farre unlike, the giuen gift of God is 1:ke,becaufe it is his, not theyrs, conciudeth eiAulhnetruely. Elfe woe to them that Iudaa baptized. And they had needc to lament filch baptilme. Remember mailer Caluins judgement and fimilitude. As it is(faith he)amongfl men, If a Letter be fent, fo the hand and Peale bee knowne, it skilleth not what qualities heewas of that brought it: fo mull it fuffice vs in the Sacraments,to ac- knowledge the hand and feale of our God,what manner of man focucr the bearer be thatdeliuereth them. For it hurt thelewe/nothing, that they were circumcifcd of thofc impure Priells and Apoflataes,that then wcre,neitherneeded they to be circumcifedagaine. For indeed(faith another)rhe Sacraments take not theirex- teilende and worthineffe of him that miniftreth them,though hee be neuer fo ho_ lie, neyther be they difgraced or weakened, though the minifler bewicked and coil!. The hand of the receiuer being without Faith,maketh theSacraments, that ofthemfelues be good,to beevnto him of no force, becaufe of his vnbeliefc : but a wickedMinifter cannot in anic wife make fruflrate or deceyue the Faith of the godly receiuer. Our Satsiour('hriff baptized none whilti he wasvpon the earth, butonelyprea.. ched, and his Difciples baptized, faith the Gofpell, &c. And