Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

142 A profitable Expolition 6. petition. And S Paulecontinuing In Corintli,a yeare and fixe moneths, where God faide To!,,,, 4. x VIVO hint in the night, by a vifion,Hec hadmuch people : taught the word of God Acts. 18,ir, aman... thcm,and Preached, but Baptized none, fauing Crilpus and Gaiva, and the t. COI", 1,1 4. Houfehold of Stephauua and thanketh God that he had not when he faw what di mfion fell out,onc faying I am Paulo", another, 1 am Apolloes: &c. And )4ajculao with others , agree with Amhrofe, that `Peter baptized not Cor- ncliau and his companie,but commaunded them to bee baptized. Now none of Petra? Cor- all there would haue thus done, wee tuna needes thinke, if better Mufflers had neli)tiomum, made better Sacraments to the receiuers. But eucn the contrarie, with all ende- nonipre, báo- trout and Paine; in a zeale to the Lords people,that they might haue that holy or.. tizaeir,rum din :nee ,with greateft good. How fhould Paul, haue thanked God with a good cord eftet,fed confcience,that he had baptized no moe,fetleth vs fully and firmcly touching this iuffet bapti- point. Yet indeed it is a great deale more that our Saviour baptized neuer an one, tari. who was of all Minifl ers the beft without comparifon , and aloft kindely and care.. fully addnftee1 to mans good euery way. For why was -it , may wee with rneft lohn: 4.2. greatprobabiliitie thinke, but that traB his moB excellent dignitie aboue all men fhould worke in the receyuers of that baptifine,fome conceit of their baptifme a- bove others, baptized by farre interiour Mimtlers, and fo caufe diffention in the Church amengft them. Wherefore we fee euen in this omiffiorr of our Sauiour Chrift, his diurnewifedome forefeeing the vepome of this errour, to mcafiire the Word and Sacraments by the worthineffe of the Minu ter : and carefully cutting the chrome of it in his time. It was tiuelycuera u rong to the Lord,and his only myfteries,euer condemned of the Church of God, and we mull abhorre it. Si make Sacerdos,deponendaoo e- ras, fi n.npof t deponi tollerandus tntra rete. I t the Minitter b e naught, faith S. vats - fhne,he fhould be difplaced,if bee cannot be diftlaced,he muft be endured within the Net. For vposi our diflikings of refufe the Lorde, and the meanes of our faluation,it isa more fearful! itnpietie,than that it needeth amplification. The very thought o` it ffriketh a terror into my foule: (that I, dun} and worms)fhould except againft the graces of my Creator,Nnlette the officer ofthem,to nie from him, be qualified to my liking. For as we liue,the Lord will be a molt fwift iudge,and even a very confuming fire one day againfi this hamous contempt of himfelfe and his mercics,and the having of them inrefpedt of perfons. O beloued, our Time is now robe wife and learned, and to kiffe the Sonne graccs,leafthec be angric,and we Berifh off from the earth. if wee doe not, merciepaffeth, iudgemenr commetta,and warned people mutt both dye in theyr finne, and carry thcir blood themfeluesfor euer. The third temptation , concerning Communicants. Oine againe are tempted and troubled with fcruples & doubts, concerning fuch as are admitted to the Lords Table, & whom fatal, cannot otherwife winne to defpife that holy Sacrament, by this meanes , bee molt mightilie vndermineth , and caufeth them to forbeare,both their great comfort and bounden duty. For wherfoeuer faith he to them, the vnclean are not apart,and the cum feparated from the good , by Ecclefiafticall confute, there if a Chtiftian cómunicate,h.e is defiled with other mens finnes. And therefore to the end yee may not be polluted by the company offuch, you muff forbeare,nay refufe & vtterly abhorre all receiuing of the Supper of the Lord,but with a choyce company of felec`t & holy ones.But is this true now,that other mens finnes neuer contented to by me,de defile me, if Irecciuewith theme God forbid.