6 petition. ¡aponthe Lords Prayer. The flat contrary is a ruled cafe in diuinity,and was ere we were borne among(l the learned and Godly of all times. And as it were with one voyce they haueaf firmed it in this and fuch like fort : That a Chriffian man ( hould be fo'ry and grie- ucd if he fee that moll holy Sacrarncnt abufe.d'of any wicked and bad ones which are admitted veto it , and cndeuour as much as in him lied]; that it may not be fo, but yet may bee not himfelfe depriue himfelfe of the Sacraments, nor withdraws himfelfe from the Church , but both take it f or a true Church notwit llanding this blemilh,and continue in her fociety & fellowfhip fo long as the word is prea- ched , and the Sacramentsadminiflred therein, without any feparation fromie Mr this caufe. And the proofes heereof haue partly bene alledged before in the examples of the Godly Patriarches,Prophets, Apoflles, and Chnfl himfelfe. In thofe Churches of Corinth Galatia, Epbefxe, and others; wherein al- though there were great blemishes -, as bath beetle (hewed , yet were they neuer commaunded one to auoyd an others company at thofeexe.rcifes that the Lord in common enioyned all , and left not to their liberty to vfe or not vfe : They fepara- ted themfelues carefully from thofe crimes and faultes', that they rebuked and diflikedin others , but from their Churches and holy exercifes they feparated not themfelues , but entred into their fynagogues at all times wherefoeuer they came, and when they were at prayers ,prayed with them, preached to them, and partaked with them in commanded duties , neither were they once hurt by their fo doing. Then further 'may wee adde in this matter of Communicants, that which truely we fhould not lightly weigh or confider, but very earneflly thinke of. r. cor. u.' Namely that we are bidden to examineour felpeswhen wee come to that table. if the Lord had pleated , bee could as eafily haue bidden vs examine one another, or curry man thewhole Church. And certainely he would haue done it, ifothcr mens finnes might haue defiled vs, and the company of the vnworthy ones haue polluted them that come with the very bell preparatiodof themfelues veto it. Yea and with i.vhat diligence indeed ought weallto doe it, ifthis doarine were true. Surely my coufciencc could neuer receyue that Sacrament in peace, ex- cept I kcewe all men as well asniyfelfe, fince their euill may as well hurt mee as mine ovine. But now that hee requireth onely of eueryman the proofe of Calvin themfelues , hee tcachcth thereby plainely that it nothing hurteth vs, if any ibookt, vnw-orthydoe thruflthemfelues in among(lvs, fo that iwee beprepared i The t ,readeit finte doe chele other words alto. Sibi iedtcixm manducat. Hee eateth and drin- all. ketli his owns damnation, Sibi, non Tibi. His owne damnation, Not thine, .4ug.tral'fe f ayeth a 4vfien , Erg tolera males, bonus vtveniaead prcemia bonorum,nemittarte to in man. so. cram malorum. Therefore thou being good, endure the cull], that thou nsaiih conic to the re. wards of the good, and-not 'be Pent unto the punilhtnent of the euill , Calvin thought this a (Irons place againfl this temptation, therefore hee vrgeth both thefe members aganifl it fully. In theft words of Saint Paul, faith hee, two tlduerfxe things art to be noted. ,inabapt ar The fiirflis this , that to eace the Bread of the Lorde vnworthilie, is not iic.z.pa. '9 to Communicate in theyr companie that are vnworthie, but notrightly to pre.. pare our feu es, and to weigh our owne faith and repentance. Secondly,that w lieti we will receine this Sacrament we beginne not with others, and fall in ex- an-hing them, but that we rr ourfelues, and íet our eyes that way. Fortruel$s if all things be conídered well, they that haue fo much leifure to examine o- 'ihers, in themfelues they are moll negligent and forgetfull. For vpon miné ovine experience faith hee, I know one yet ahue, that caned headlong with this niceneffe that bee would not teceiue with vs for Come mens faults that plea- fed him not, he feparated himfelfe from our Companie. Andyet in the meane time, had them in his owne houfe of moll leaudebehauiour. Whets '43