Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

144 A profitable Expofition When I know it, I got one to admonilh him ( for ofmy felfe faith M. Calurn he would take nothing ) and to aske what he meant to be to flr`it} in the Church , a horde not in his gouernment, and to faulty in his 0 houle w here bee had go- uernmtnt. Mull bee needes be defiled in the Church by vm,orthie Communicants and cletrc at home from íó 'mere euill ? And it pleated God to worke with him , faith he, that he law his folly , and afterward reconciled himfelfe both to the Church and mee, contefling atlafl that our chicle and firff care muff be of our felues and outfámily, next and fecondiyofother . And how: ? Not for diAïke of them, or hatred , occaute they doe not fó well as they ought , to feparate ourfclues from the Church, but to corredh them,and amend them,to bring them into the way, or according to our places,to procure their remouing if they will not. Or if we can- not effe& that , then to leant all to the Lord to performe and make better. Thus faire Maifter Calmen , not vnworthy ourearnefl noting, though it bee very long, .And truely_marke it againe,that in laying his ozonedamnation, he tycth the harm; thatcommeth by his vnworthicrice)uingto himfelfe, and firetcheth it not to ethers, Which yet needes he mull haue done if the company of a;:y at that table did dchle the Godly. He ,gift haue faid,he eateth and drinketh to his owne dam- nation., and all others that rcceiue skirl! him and knowe him. But G on forbid. Then, was ever the Sacrament more holy and purely adminifired, than Chrifi Bulli.,oers rea. Iefus himfelfe did with his difciplcs ?Yet cues there and then,faith Ambrofe,Chry- lonaofai9 follow , Aufien and othcrs,s'aswicked ludas. Foe the Euangelifles fay, het fat preface. downewithiristwelve, andLrl eraaketümentionthatChrifladmoni fhedhim Conirit.A4 - partly before and partly after Supper., which the Lord Iefus would neuer haue bap p4 .2 30. fïrffereil, if his company might haue defiled the other worthyreceiuers therepre- fent. And concerningluds, I pray you confider what the fcrípture faith. Firftir was laid ofhim before the Supper, that he was a thiefe and carried the bag, and and for that caufe grudged the expense of the ointment, and Paid it might haue beene folde and giuen to the poore , mist indeede and truth caring for the poore. Iona tz, In regarde whereof Auflen faith, ludo was not then firft euill when he made his Aug. ors match to betray him for fo much moray, but before e'en from the firft beginning, tr.s 50 nester following Chrift corde, fedcorpore, with hcart,but with body. Secondly , it is teflified in Luk1,.that before the Supper, the Diuel was marred into him , and that he had beetle with the high Priefis and Captaines, and made his match with them, communing with them how bee might betray Chrifi veto them. Ir.atzd.zs.äc. Thirdly cuen to ehe I)ifriples themfelues openly at table was manifeftedby pitting ofa foppe that he was a Traytor, and fhould fhew itypon his owne mailer. Therfore it was nor altogether hid what máner of man lad& vvas.Yet(faith S.Au- flen) 7als Indus css fanrlis dafcipuld vndccim intrabat,C exabat: ad ipfam `Deminicd ccrnä pariter accefret: de vnopaneC Petrus 'Lida accept. Such a ludaswent in and came out with the eieuen,came to the fame fupperofthe Lord with them,and of the one breaderect dued both Peter and ludas. Quid ergo voluit Dominos nofferlefas ('hrsftus fratres mei) admonere ecclefam foam , quando vnum perditur intra duodecim Mere vo- luit, nmvt malos taleremua , necorpus Chrtfitdosidamus. What therefore would the Lord Iefus Chrill (my Bretheren) admonifhed and teach his Church when a- mongfl his tweluchee would haste one loft and bad one , but that in the Church militant lime we mull endure Come euill ones; leaf+ in not doing it, wee fhould rent afunder and druide the body of Chrifl. Converfari enim cum eis permit Iudas, rosinrluinare nonpotuita For , be in their company Iudar might, but defile them bee could not. s Cor,7. -3. Wee fee therefore this fathers judgement touching this matter plainely, and to it maybe added this queilion , how the faithfull wife may abide with an vn- faithfull