6.peuclon.. rvpon the Lords Prayer. '45 faithfull Husband allthe dayes of her life,ar d not be the worfe : And wee may not come to Gods Table,dr to Prayers for an houre, in the companie of vnrefor_ r.Cor.7,13, med ones but theyr fumes 11411dune to vs. The companyings together diffe. reth moil greatly, if wee marke the feuerall circumflances, of a wife with her Huf- band,and of two men in the Church together. How then may.we be warranted to rcfrainethat moil holy and comfortable Sacrament for theyr fakes, who though they bceTrcfpaAèrs, yet askemercieat Gods hands ? Et hoc teriamur ,eòspfoquòdacceduntad(imam ; And tcftifië as much, euen by theyr very comming and offering'themfe!ues to the Lordes Table. To judge rightly ofour Brethren,our corruption a(fure,',ly is great,and we fhould often thinke of it, and fcare itgreatly. By Nature wee are full of fufpition, and afwell where no caufe is , as where caufe is. Wee belieue euill too fall, and good too (lowly. We amplifie things, and make fmall matters great matters, fudging men manic times worfe through our corruption, then indeed they are before God by theyr tranfgreffions : And how' dangerous a rule then in this, to mcafure them by that mutt be allowed to the Lords Table, if we receiue with them? When thisTemptation was thong in theminde of the Anabaptifts, Remem- ber how crookedly this euill guided them in the choyfe of worthy reccyuers ? If anyman(faith Bullinger)hang downe his hcad,and counterfeit humilitie,although inmmdc he be mofpolluted,filthie,and fowle,and defpile the Word,yet (hall he Lib,6.eaP, be accounted a moil holy and good one, and worthie to reccyue the Sacrament. AnabaPt. But if hee bemore open and merrie, and fubieet to the common faults of humane frailtie, yet farre from any diflìmulation,ttuftjng in his heart and (cule firmely the Lordes merde, fingle and fincere towardesGod, that that hee is, coaching his finnes : fuch an one fbrafmuch as hce hash not yet fatisfied theAnabaptifres for Luk.r8r his faultes, neyther is allowed of them, and thought as yet worthy enough, (hall. be fcparated from the Lcrdes Table. And yet the finfull Publican fmitinghis bref , was better allowed of the Lord lefus, , then the iuff Pharifie With all his righteoufires. When many vncleane did cate of the Paffeemer which Ezekiae the king caufed to be kept, did theyr Brethren refufe to cate, becaufe they did eate alto ? Or did z.Chtoú.3J1 theyr companiepollute them that were cleane any thing e Confider it well,aed fee if you can finde eyther : yet theparties themfelues that were not fanéiified and cleanfed,faulted,and were prayed for. Wherefore wee may fay with Sainte,4uJ7ine, Non proptermalosbonosdeferamus, fed propter 6onosmalos fuffereomu. Let vs not forfake the good for the cuill,but let vs endure the euill for the good. Yet muff we thinke Sajnt e ujin and all good tnen;wi(heth their feparation as farce as may be,without plucking vp the wheate alto, and renting afcnder the body ofChat. And feplainely flame chore words. Si nob po f unt e.rcludi,excludantnr vet de cordi. If they cannot be excluded, exclude them at leaf in thy heart : that is, Approve not in heart & iudgement their fault. Cypriaaus else frumento `Dominica cam ariaris Pr rapacibru,cum hié yui regnam Desnon poi debunt,ston Laicis,vel quibssféuncq, Clerrcis, fed & z pir FptJcopio , panem Domini man - dwa6ant. cyprian and others of the Lords whcat,did eat the bread of the Lard, and drinke his Cuppe, with the covetous, and the raueners, with them that (hall shot poffeleGods kingdomc,not Lay-men, or common Cleargie -men, but even with the Bithops themfelues: And it fufhced them to be feparated from fuch in heart, in life, add manners, in a greatregarde,to keepe peace and vnitie for the good of the weake, leaf(they Ilsouldfeare the members of the bodie of Chriff, by facrilegious Schifines. Calusne wri to th to Farel/w iti an Epifflc, dot being asked this queflion,Whe- eheritwaslawful! toreécyuethe Communion ata bàd Miniffershands,andwith bad do companie admitted thereunto, he an f i ered to both in effe& as followeth. 1 Tantum