Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

I46 A profitable Expo fi 6. petition. Tasttum debere inter Chriffianoseffeodium f hifmatir,vt f<mper,quód ltcet,refugiant. Ten_ tam mmi /terir ac facramentw-um reuerentiam of fie oportere, vt vbtcu e7 extare hac cernant Eccicfsameffeccnféant,ic. That there ought to be in Chrtfttans;tiachadeteftati- onot Schttme, that as necee as they may, they euerf yetr. Againe, that there ought to be filch areuerence of theMuutterie,and or the Sacraments, thatwhere- focuer they fee thefe ext nt,there they acknowledge the Church to bee. Forafmuch therefore as byGodspermiffìon the Church is gouerned by thefe men,what manner of perfons forcer they beet they fee the notes of the Church there,it (hall be better not to fepatate then-If-hoes frcna th5Comtn. rion. Ney_ ther hurteth it, that fomevntrue DoR:ine is there deliuered. For t:- ere is hard- ly any Church that bath not in it feme reliques of ignorance. It fufficeth vs,if the Doçtrine whereon the Church is founded haue his Flare, and be kept. Neyther ftoppe wee at this, that hee cannot be accounted a law- . full Paftor,which hath not onely crept, but moll wickedly broken into the place of a true Minifter. For it is not fitte that eueryprivate man (hould trouble himfelfe with there fcruples. ,Sacramentacum Eccle /e:r communicant. The Sacramentsthey receiuewith the Church. Pe,eorum wan,,a. dif ernartfuThnent. Oncly by theyr handes they endure them to be deliuered. For,whom they fee to haue the places,whether law- fully or vnlawfully they haue them (although the matter fomewrat appertaine to then-Oyer may they lufpend their tudgement thereof,till a full knowledge be had. Therefore it they vie theyr Mtniflerie,yet is there no danger,leaft rhey fhould feeíne eyther to acknowledge,or allowe,or confirme the fame for good. But by this mcanes they give a- teflünonie of theirpatience, whtlft they ate content to en- dure thofe,whom they indge worthy of condemnation,euen by a folemne judge- ment. Thus fare Maifter Caluin. Somewhat long, but trucly very material! to the poynt wee now fpeake of, if humilitie worke a reverence of other mens iudge- ments,efpecially that haue abounded with the great graces of God ,to the profi- ring of the Church, and puffing Pride cloth not dangercufly perfwade vs that no reran Teeth the Truth of ç 'D but our felues,whìch God forbid. `Ftal.'inger agáüx deliuered it boldly to the people of God in his time,and after that, Qus fepe admonirur doh vtitur,non Ecclefear»,Damtnum,autmtn f/rumdecspst,fed fo. ipfum, ipf iudwiummaaducat. Whofoeuer admonifhed often, yetdd %mbleth and vfeth guile, bee deceiucth not the Church,he deceiueth nor the Lord, nor the minifter,buthe deceiueth himfelfe, & to his owne damnation he eateth. Meaning that none could bee hurt by the companie of any that communicate with them, themfelues -being tight. And therefore meaning toprofecute this Queflion no further, in a comfortable hope Jneedenot, l conclude both with the iudgcment Cal +,r : in /fi rin,dvery words ofMafterCale n, in his iniiitutionsremembredbefore. Ftxumi- tutrr ha. A. .i itur vtrumet, iflorun: maneat: t herefore lei both theft things remaine firmely fix- aw 9' ed : Fitf+,that her hath no cacao, that of his owne will forfakech the outward Communion of the Church, where the Worde of God is preached, and the Sa- craments adminiftred: then,that the faultsof a fewe or many,are no hinderance, but that wee may therein rightly profeffe our Faith by the ceremonies inftituted. by God. Becaufe a godly confeience is not hurt by the vnworthines of any o- ther, eythefPaftor or private man, and the myf'cries are to a holie and vpright man, neuertheleffepure and wholefome,though they be together handled of vq. cleane men. Tr*