Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6. petition. rvpon the Lords Prayer. 147 The fourth Temptation, concerning Com. pulsion to GOD. Aftly,there haue bin,and to this dayare,that thinke men fhould not be compelled to Faith and religion. TheDonatiflet, Pela- gians,and Anabapt¿ 1s,tn theirfeuerallaimes,the ]'apiFi.r úi11 ly to theyrprmted pamphlets. But as the reft,fo is this alfo, a fubtile fleight of a tempting diuell,to animate men vnto cuill boldly. An vntruth,in the word plainely refelled, and of the Church and Children of God truly inftruEted,euerabhorred. Thenoble kingse4faand did conflraine and compel! the people by feueritie of theyr lawes and punifhments to ferue the Lord. For who - focuer will not feeke the God of Ifrael fhall be {taint , whether hee bee (mall or h i.Chron. t4.4 capt. great man or woman, faith the text. Neéuchadnezzarmade a decree that entry tl.t3. people,nation, and language, which fpake any blafphemy againft the God of Sy- drach, cJliftch, and e4bednego,fhould be drawne in pieces , and theyr houfes put to the moft bale vie that might be. A very (harpe law,I trowe we will confeffe,to Dan. 3.a6. compel), men to a dutie iuft and godly. And if this Heathen king,moued by Gods fpirit did this,& might do it,may not they that profeffe religion do it? Nay,fhall they not, as their knowledge and charge is greater , fo fuffer double punifhment if they doe not? Surely the trueth is plaine,thcy fhall. King Darius did the like in the fame prophet. And I make a decrce(fai th he)that in all theDominion of my Dan 6z6, kingdotne,rnen tremble and fcare before the God of Daniel. For he is the lining . CIO`D, and remaineth for euer, and his Kingdome fhall not perifh, &c. The kingof Nimueh againe forced by his authoritie all men in the Citie to hum- ble themfelues before God ; yea, (faithhe) Let man and beaft put on lack- cloth, and crie mightily ento God. Which example eAurtinevrged in his time againft Ionah, 3.7.8. the Donatifis, and faith,the king of Ntniuehdid God good feruice, by compelling the whole Cite to feint God. In the Golpell,the Maifter laid to the feruant, Goe gut into the High -wayet and Hedges,and compell them to come in, that my Houle may ke EPift.48. filled. Neq, al f9caufa frc to yuitur Dominue. ,Quia cairn diuerfi hominummeret ,ingenia item duserfa Rene, non eadem docendi ant pradtcandi ratio omni eu conuenit. Stint twins qui- bue ftmplicem inflitutionem &dotlrmamadhibuiffe fuicitt auadmonitionefeueriore,mul- La. 14.23. tie adhortatione, imó correptien &obiurgationeacriore opue elf. Et ideo fuprir,verbi'ildi- norosexaïíorum.fmiletdexit. Neyther did the Lord without good caufe (faith a learned Interpreter) fptake after this fort. For diuers men being of diners man - nersand difpofitions,one and the fame way of preaching agreeth not to them all. MaifterGa. Some it fufficeth to haue doltrine plainely deliucred to them; Others muff haue ter in Math. earneft admonition alfo,and manymuff haue exhortation,yea,fharpe rebukes and aa. chidings,or elfe they profit not. And therfore the Minifters ofGod were compa- red before to Stewards or Baylifs, that fharply & roughlyrequire theyr Mailers rent for his Vineyard,if it be wanting. Fir etiamfapenumeroveMagifhratue foam muthoritatem, interponereoporteat,guando multorum peruicacia runty efl,vt alitervinci non paffrt. And manytimes it commeth to pale, that the Magiftrate muff put in his Co Authoritie, many mens ftubbornnes being fuch and fo great, that it cannot o- therwife mpufGon, be ouercome. See then how cues this place affordeth the doetiine which wee fpeakc of moll truely, namely, that the Magillate may compell, whom the preacher cannot per. fwade to ferue God.What thought S. Of this place ?Heare and you fhall fee. EPift.48. Pam; nemiuëdeberecogsadiutitiam, cumlegaapatrefami liasdixiffë/eruis, .2.ttofcun m- ueneritis,cogite tatrare? Doeft thou thinke faith he (Vincentiuo) that no man may be compelled to goodnes,when as thou heardl the mailler laying to his feruant, goe O z forth,