Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6:petition. 'von the Lords Prayer. 149 Whileft men be mad in the ftrength of chit vngodly humour, they rayle of all compnlfion to the contrarie,but hauing got vnderflanding,& feting from what e- uils they are deliuereci by the" that firft forced them,they reioycethat euer fo well to their great good they were chattifed, and -that wholfouie violence.that before withbitter wordes they inueighed again(!, they then commend ané praifevnfai- nedly. Form igitur inueniatur neceftms, nafcitur inters voluntas.' Without therefore let there be eompulfion,willingneIre groweth within. That is, fpare not flardly fometimes to compell men to doe vnwillingly,what by fuch force they (hall hap- pily better looke into,and then performe with all willingneffc, If no man may be compelled to goodncffe, why doeth the Wifeman fo oteen ipeake of corre&ion, Paying : bee that fpareth the rodde,hateth his Ghilde, and he that beateth him, fa» meth his lode: Yea, but whom compelled Chri(l euer, fay they ? Her preached and taught, and went no furtther. Di .i. he fa, faith eslutiine. Haue they not ?mile an exam- Tbc tecond pie of the eontrarie ? eAgno cantMee) prima cagentem Chrotum, P;- po/ea docentem, abi:ftioo. price ferientem,p póf{ea con/òlanterh. Let them there fee Chrifi firff compelling, and afterwards teaching, fire1 artking,and then comforting. And he that entred Into the Gofpell eonllrauted with bo. lit punishment , laboured more then all tbofe that were called on, h' by mouth. But men may not be compelled agáinfttheyr confcience. A prettie ground of all 'Libertinifine,andan high way to overthrow all ellates under heauen.For what Thctbird good can be cómánded,or what euil forbidden,that this excufe may not be laid a= obitt4ioe. . gainll? The Apollle faith, the MagiElrate beareth not the fword for nought r but lure if an erronious & deceived o.infcience, liking or elifliking,may be a iui} war, rant to doe or not doe, the Magiflratcmay put vp his fword, and let it there con. ttnue,tor any vfe he fhall'haue of it,euety -thm3 being auoyded with this, my con - (cience is fo,and I mcy not be forced at,aml my confcience. But ler vs-not be deceyued. The Lord will finely fmiteeuery fetuantthat loth Luc,ta; TIM his will, whether he know or know not, becaufe his ignorance is not of creá_ tion,but from eAdam -by fall, neyther (hall any good meaning erroniouilyhad, ex= cute any mars more then it did the fewer, which ignorantly crucifying Chrift,and perfecuting the Apoftles, were perfwaded they did God great feruice. And aß God Both thus,fo doch he require of the MagiUrates hand, to whom in deede he bath committed the fword not in.vaine, that (after the procuringof fish meaner for their infrut`lion by publique preaching & private perfwaf ons,aslour Sauiour bath appointed; for the calling of men front theyr errors, to the knowledge of his truth) they forbeare not, eyther to require godly durie,or topunifh the want, as the offencefhail defeeue,not fearing the fpeeches of men,for the glorieof God, neyther drfpleafng him to pleafe them. If they crye, as they doe, It is (eneltle, Crueltie, and enough to-chine men to ' difpaire. Wee can but with them thehe(,{hilihoiding-a truth ourfelues,and do- ing in moderation and mrrcie what (hall-make vs dífpaire if we doe hot -: God re- quiring it of YS at our peril!. And at their owneperil!mufl itbe; if theytake darknes for light, and. light fat darknes. Surely thcyr blood is vpon themfelues, hecaufe they baue bene war_ ned and had the meanes. S..4art ine'vili tell- them,the Donat ftstlew themfelues, rather then-they would change their Herefiet yet did not fuch their fearlilil mad nes terrifie godly Pri'ncerfreim condigne chafldéments offo great impietie. And thus much may fuffice of this Temptation: If any lift to be further fati'sfied by Engliti treatifes hereof, let -him penile the godlyanfwers of dicers to the papifts. M. DodlorBtl[ós;M(7rauer. , add others:' ' But this lawful!, mod rate andprofitabli correatonwill bepcancdcrated-Ad meretlr é periscatton. No newesif it bee. For fo'did -theft feduced creattittsin theyr titnesi and- 1tl4 0 3 Pa-