I SO A profitable Expo pan 6 petition. Idcbt.ts,tr, 3 z, AR.t6. 1, Car. 5, Papifis euen hill exclaimc,when theyr hercfie and obhinacie'is pumlhed.. Whet- von dur7in,inhistimc and others inchcledaye > ,are dnuentotollow their cries, at.d to purge away this vniulì flaunder,wbich insieede would neuer be fo vntruly mad e,rf men would not foolifbiy thmke, pro Dei fs ^erequtcquid inqutetel te. merttatefacsunt, that euery thing is done nt the caufe of the Church, that is done in tntyr owne vngnict ravvnes and headiues. - For the matter it felfc it bath bent anfwered, and it truely may be anfwered, that euery man thatfparcth is not a.fricnd, ncyther euery one chat beattth a foe, 'Eut better are the wounds of a friend, thin the voluntane k¡Wes of an enemie. 034eliueeilcumfeueriratedzI: ere,quàmcuen1eattatedecypere. Better it is with feue- ritie tolòue,then with lenitie to deceive. Can man lout man. more than God loueth hint? Yet in the loue of God there's often corre&ion,& often challifement,and the faireathough neuer ioyousfor the prcfent,but grecuous,yet after bringeth thequíet fruit of rtghceo,iftcs, vnto them which are thereby exerc+fed,and they lay, with the prophet : It is good for them that they haue benechallifed, Why theta , mull mans compnllioncuerbeeperfe- cu don ? Cúm boni malt eadem factunt , ccadem i, patiuntur, non tatlis cT poenis, fed i'aufr vltgz keroendifunt. When the good and eutll,either doe, or fufter che fame things , tiny mull bee dtfce:ned and dihtnguifhed, not bypundhments, but by caufes. Pharoh was iharpe in fundry aS`tionsto the Ifraeltes,aud what was CilNOfeewhen bee made them drinke vp the allies of their Golden Calle and three thoufand of them to bz fl.tine with the fword fpeedily : When his anger feemcd fierce againfi Aaron hinifeIFc,and the peopLe quaked as itwerevpderhin>_. SimiltafecenuntJed noafzmtltterprodeffevoluerunt. The things they did after a fort were like, for they were both fharpc,but. their mindes were tot alike to profite. And therefore what Tharoh drd,was a tyrannicall perfecution,what cfi!ofes did lawful!, and liked pu. nif}tment ofa geieuous fault. lezabel flewe Ionic Prophets, and£lieh flew forne Prophets, Seddtuerfamrita facientium,diuerfapaf srum: But diners was the merite both of the doers andthffeters. Jezabel flewe true Prophets,and it was a bloody petfecution. .0412 flew falle Prophets,and it was no pet fecutton, as we fpeake of that word in euill part. In the death of Chris? God had his worke, and Man had his worke. Yet was God pure, and man guilrie. How, NO' quia, in revna quàmfeceruwt, caufa non era vnaob :imam fccerunt, But becaufe in one thing which they dtd,tiere was notesne caufe for which they did. There were three croffes at our Savours death : vpen one the Thiele to be faued,vpon an other the thiele to be damned,in the middleChrztf, ¿uid frn:tliue zflir crucibu tfile pendent:6w Quo.r pagiotn ngebat,cau. fafeparauit. What more like then their crofles? What mote vnlik-e then thole that (hanged vpon them? Whomea like punifhmenrconicyned, a fate vnlike caufe d',fioyned. Tattle was deliuered to the laylour,to be imprd;.ned : Panlehimfelfe would the incetiuous to be deliuered to Sachan to be reformed. The one is a grea- ter matter then the other, & yet the Lefler a wicked perfecution, the greater none, TJsamtu tOuur fluter. Letvs therfore lea me brother, faith S. 9,Fkn,' n like doings to difcrne wild, e mimics of the doers, neither let vs with doled eyes fl..uncler, and accule well- wille s,as euill- hurtcrs of vs. Ific were euer fo glorious as Tome would make ir,to be put ifbed,and to fuhaine corrt C}ion,the Lord might haue fatd,blef fed are They that are fo vled,& nt tier have added propterruflitiam, for tighceoufnes Ihke. Wherefore an euident truth iris, that they are not Manors that (utfer punifhe menr for emlldoing,G propter Chriîfianavnúatssim pi.mmdarificnetn.and for a wicked dtuifionof(hrif }iar, vmtie : but they that (offer for well-doing, and for righteouf- nes fake. e9Qar r -a ptinitfhed of Sara, yet ihee that punifhed was bl im lefle,and Thee that w as punifhctr hL me- worthie. Therefore deeth the Prophet fay. Isodtca meDeau, 6- dzfur e caufm..: non aixttprenarz,, játauftm,. lu}1ge.mce,ea Lord, and