6. E,ezl:ion. (vhon the Lords Prayer. st and difcerne my caufe. He Cloth not fay, my punillament,but my caufe. . Agathe , They perfecutedmcew ithoutacode, buttheLordewasmyhd- per. His comfort and glorie is not that hee was perfecrred but t'iat indrede and truth it was without a caufe. gland himfelfepurfued his Enemies ,rookeprat them,and conilimed them. And faid,he would cutoff all the workers of iniquity from the Citie of the Lord. Yet no perfecutor more then all other Kings &Prin ces both in the word, and out, renowned for dueand zeilous punifhing of offen- ces. In hit emm omnibus gstidattendstur, rtif guts eorum pro veritate, guk pro sragnttate, .'rots nocends coulee, quit emendande. For in all men that pundh and ext Cure )awes Peal 18. ;j, vppon any, what is to beconfidcred, but which of them docth it for the mainte- nance of truth, which of them for the maintenance of euill ; which of them with a minde to furt,which of them with a rninde to reforme. V ides ita í,nonefeconide- r,endurtignodgteiri reQrer, fed guide jitt%' ndera metro ,vtrumbonum,,anmalu>re,. You ft e rbcr,torc,that this muff not oncly be marked, that a than is compelled, but the thing alto mull be looked wherunto he is compelled,whether it be good or bad. And if it be good, it will euer iuflifie the aótion, howloener the fúfferer bet.ffended. The Phifition offends many times his Patirr t, the Schoole- mailfer his Scholler,and the Father his wilde & wanton childe. But thisoffence (hall haue aiuft warrant if it he complained of toe careful) heart of each one to dóe good in their places. Ifhorfes an( mules tariff be ruled with bits and bridles,totake a li- ked courft,we Ihould make lea account of our fettles then of thefe beafles, if we fhould feeke both immunitieandimpunitiewhatfoeáerwedoe. And let this fut- ficc for Come (atisfacuion to a canicle(fe cry, and molt vnworthy complaint,when- (oeuer it is made. I very wellfee, the(e temptations in judgement are many, and thereforeyour ffreech might be long f you would follow them, beet theft. mayfufce for a .taflaofSathant malice enreffel, and yea maynew,e fyoserfe/{ enul 1, preceedetohiertmptationsinlefe and behacjaw. They alto,as hash bene faid,are in number moe,and in naturemore vnknowne, then that of any one nian, they may beeyther darned orvnderfiood. Forthere,ìs no commandement,the breaches whereof in euery branch hee tempteth not fornè voto é And what aFielde were this torunnea very long courfein? He tempteth to Adultery,Fornication, vncleannes ,wantonnes,Idolatty,witch - craft,Harced,debate,Emulations wrath, contentions, fedinons, enuie, naurthers, drurekenneffc,gluttony,and ten thoufand fach like. So that to follow the Temp- tations. in We and beliauiour,and to lay downe what might be faide,either in de_ fcription of their manna , or as hclpeagaitalttheir flrength and venerate, were tó take in hand to write many volutnes; 1DS Tnis is ccrtaine,he is our enemie,and fofirme a Friend as he is a foe,were worth 1 'ct t. . much go lde,euenof the goldeofOphyr. In which enniitie and malice of hiçhee goethabout like artiating Lyon,f`eeking whom hee may denoure. But if wee re- Verf,g. lift him fledfaß.in Faith, he flyeth from vs. With which fhield of Faith, to géther with the fwoid of the fpirite, rtie Word of god, we shall quench all his fierie darrs,and becomeConquerours. And the belt meanes ro helpe vs in thefe many thoufand fpiritall onfettes,andto ftrengthen bo- m ,' Epli f6 , die and foule againil the killing poyfmoftheáfrerauoydingofalloccáf;ons, lo much aseuer we may,l+ill rruelydifcharging our f euerallplaees, both towards Cod and man, is to print in our hearts,and fnke into ourlòulcs,a true,and often, andearncft meditation of the end òf the thing or things whatfoeuer,that we (hall in thisrefpeel be tempted and folicired voto. For the wife Syrach vpon deep. experience bath -laid it, Whatfoeuerthou takeffin band, remember the ende , and thou¡haltrente doe amife. 'Theendeorínneisdeath, Fttdefy,a.6 the reward of finie it cleath,death of body many a time by ä (laamefull end in tlaia world,and deatlzot bock/iodic and foule in a buttonrle(fepffte for euer, where. is weeping,and wayling, and ghafhing of teeth; Swsete