Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

i ga A profitaG?eEvufi.ion 6 pctition. Swecte mcate will bane a lower fawfc faide the prouerbe then, and fweete finne bringeth fmarting payne, faith the tructh now. What woe to themfeiues, and to their lecdc for euer, brought that faire fruit with plcafure caten,when time was, of our fin parents? WouldGod, nopon erttie might rue the falles of them whom theyloued. Surely it the end prcuailed in the thought before finne prcuailedin aa, they (houldtue them Icfc. C) deed doue,how bitterly biteth it when it is done, that was thought full fwccte before it: was done, and nowc fore lamented that e- uer done, or that againe it cannot bee undone. But had Iknownecommetheuer behinde too late to comfort, too Toone to wring, and euer £line rubbeth vppon the rawe. Before Elide our parents fhould finne, honour, preferment, glory and ioy were brought by a hellifh ferpent to mullet- themfelues before Ùeir eyes : and Gods (hall you bee,if you will doe this. But ó wofull Gods,whcn the deede was done. Then munred as fan before their minde,Death t:cll,Damnation, the wrath of God, and all terrour and torture. And fo is it euer: that dcuill that pleadeth all made and goodnes, patience , and long- fufferíng in the Lord towardes lin- nets be foie they offend, upon boldnes thereof, to make them offend, that di_ uell as fan chundi eth damnation and death innice and wrath,;( the fame Lord, when once we haue offended. Efpecially if we begin to flicke our diligent furling of his filthy hun,:our. 0 Daxiá fpeake and inftru& a little. What thoughtefi thou whenloab mull 'o number all l /raetand ladath f Of wifedome & pollicie toknow my power. What x,Sam.24,x fltcfl thou when the deede was donc ?Srcuritie for a time, and all was well. But when God awaked, what ? O aske me not that t For the remembrance ofit as yet is grieuous veto me. But if you will needs know, I was fmitten, I was bitten, I was wounded and wrung with the very furies of hell. My flesh quaked, my heart aked, Vrfc,to. and my foule admitted feares vppon teares. My confcience cried, my fpirit gro_ ned, and the world knew not what I felt within. Were mine eyes open; or were they fhut,the eyes ofmy mindc t }ill fawe my finne,& the face ofIuf}ice in a mioh- tie God again( it. The ref} I found was to accule my Idle, and with fobbing fights, and brinifh teares, to utter my.fall as I could for woe in words, of griefe to Verle,ro. a gracious God, I haue finned, I haue finned, O my God and dcere, in that i haue done, excedingly, nowe Lord I befech thee take away the trefpaffe of thy feruant, for I haue done very fooli(hly. And what fhould I fay ? the end was merde, vet mingled with lul$ce, I was brought into a wendertitll I}reyt, by an offer that was made. And whofoeuer finneth f}reyt in the end, either leßè or more, as God ap_ poipteth, is the flower that bloweth upon fuck a flalke, and fo I leaueyou: Well Verfe ro, the n We heart, what we were better to heart, then ever to fide as hee felt it. For his. heart finot him, fmot him fay ch the text, and the word importeth a twiching fmart. Dauidfelt the frrres ofother falles allo, if we remember them and preacheth limo vs to take heede of the pl cafures of finne for afeaton. But I fpeake not of all. ;jlnd what leaf}isfpoken, yet let it not lea(} be thought of. Eorwho iswifewill confider theft things, it is a laying often repeated in Scripture. Doe wee thinke c1swsj7i's felt when hee was flul+ moued to finne, what bee teltinaf}rength when God reclaimed? Perufe his repentance and prayer, and iudgeyour felfe, if he had found, asheefounditlaft, whether euer bee would fo greatly haue uol.. lowdtheeaufeof his woe. Did that thtifilcffe youth find all as faire when his bag wasfpent, and a lewde cesurfc runne, as when bee fiat receiued it , and began to finne? No no, his pleaf ire had paine,both without,and within,and a then vagare, beyond thehns of the Lords good liking, layde a grinding griefe vpon his con- fcience daring life. 'Peter felt not when hee denyed, what heefelt when. he wept for woe, and that moil bitterly, that ruer hee had denied. The.Iewerfelt not when ACt,37, they crucified Chilli, what they felt full filarpe when they were,prieked.,in their hearts. Neuer