Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6. petition. repon the.Lords Priycr. IS; Neuer, nether, {hall wee be without fmatt in the ende, be thebeginning orpio- ceffe neuer fo fweet. And the Lord knoweth the meafure. For circu nf{ ces of a&i- on may pull greater meafure of plagues from a iuf} God , that haterh itrouritie; Happy is the foule thatfrnneth leaf+, next, that returneth foonefl, and molt dread - full is the efface of them, that both for qualìtie and time arelcft to the diuils malice and their owefe corruption. One droppe of water to cook my tongue, was a wo- full crie, and beware the like. All temptations of this, bring vs molt yea. dily to this perplexitie. Thinks not you {hall when you will ifyou will not v. hen you may. .HeredandPtlatehad their warnings with many robe. Herod and Pilate would not bee warned with many moe, Therefore Herod and Ptlate were truely plagued with many tnoe, The longer you let your (hip leake, tvhen once Thee leaketh, the greater danger and hardlier emptied. The ruinous honk dothfhew the like. .The further the nayle offinne, and fome vile delight is driuen in with the diuels hammer, the hardlicr got out with the Lords aduife, which yet not profiting, kil- leth, becaufe it was not fuffered to plucke it out. The Poet alibi-aide it well. If thou beeftficke,preucnt the worfi, and fear 'for remedy at the firPc,for when a fiches bath taken roote, ifthou take phdîeke, it will not boote. Thus thinke you then of all temptations in life together, and their ende confidered they (hall bee weake, through God that helpeth. ' Now I prayyou what mean theftwarder, Bret deliuer vs from errill? It is an explication, as hath bin laid of the fr rmer, and the firfl word (Dahmer ) Kome, r tcacheth vs playnly that we are the feruants offinne, and citen foldvnderftnne,as, 7. '- the Apoffle faith.. The fall of Parents hath fo made vs, and humilitie of heart euer fo confeffeth it. Secondly, that our deliuerance therehcnce commeth nor from Ephet,s; our felfe, or the power of any will or might in vs, but onrly and euer from this God, that we pray to, from his power, from his goodneffe and mercy, that bath ioha.s.. ;e no meafure. Wee are dead in trefpaffes and hnnes ofour felues and we can no more helps our fci.ats from.finne, than from deith.Ifthe forme (hall make you free { fayth the Gofpci ) then you be free indeedc. By the fecond word (End) fome ynclerfland Saran, fome Mine, fome death, but the beff is to comprehend in it all entIles ,both of crime and paine, whether they bee prefent or to come. Cyprian fo expoun dab itinthefewords: In the laß place wee poor0 hr dehuer vs fromeuall,com- prehending allk/ndes of adsterfities, which the enemy worketh agacnff vs in this world. Au- fo expoundethit fay ing: When wee jay,Deluservçfromeutll,weadmonifh to con- Aug. ad Eider, that wee are not as yet to that good cafe where wee fhall /uf er no end, and this which is Probe vi- !all placedinshe Lordes'Prayer, to extended{ farre, and fo playnely, that a(hrilltanman duam. roomed with arty kmde of tribulation, may in this petition ugh, in this filed his Teares, beginne heerein, continue heerein, and end his prayer heerein. Bucher, Mnfcultu, with any kind junta, and many tnoe thus expound it. If any man will vnderfland in it, chiefely, u arke 'i lauon or by a princ;palitie, as it were the dinell, let him o doe. For indeedeheeis the greatcfl cud+, and moll peff ilent cuill that wee neede to pray to be deliuered from. Therefore fay fome, when wee defier that God will deliuer vs from euill,we de. fire that her will fend euill'on vs,btit deliuer vs from all evils, prefent and to corne, both of c-ime,and.pline. Secondly, that if bee (etude on vs any evils, yet that her would mittigate them in this life, and turne them voto our laluation, that they may bee good andprofi- table.vpto vs. Thirdly, that he will at length in the life to come, fully and perfe&ly deliuet vs, and wipe away eucry.tearefro'm our eyes. Others fay, we begge of the Lord, that bcc would in mercy renews vs dayly , that is , powre into our hearses mote and mere, a moll true liking and longing after all righteoufnes, & a moll vnfained hatred of all cudi, by what name focuer it may be termed. And in the fame vphold vs 'dill, that we may increafc, and neuer god backward. Sweete