5 4 A profitable Expofition Thal. to. VrCnus. Note 't. P(al, 84. 6. petition. Sweete therefore euery way is this, as all cite that hath bene (aide before, and befeerning vs eli the mouth heart, and foule of curry man and womandc(rous to pleafe God. Delmer vs , ô blefléd God from all mill. For if thou turne thy face away,we fnalbe troubled, yea,fore troubled,difmaide,& feared, though bus cuen now we fay(' ; Tufh,this wealth (hall neuer decay. The Lorde (land with vs , andgiur'to Faith in our feurrall dangers tocleave vxto him. For what bee baddeth ask , wee may well attire ourJebres wee Jhall receyue, sf we as,l e,anel that is agreat comfort. Thus much contentetb met now of this Prayer. The Conclulion oneyremaixeth,whick if you will a little open ,your labour is ended to my goad, and the Lorde repay it. The Conclu lion is this, For thine is the Ksngdome, the 'Power, and Glorie,fereaer and euer. Which being expreffed oftítilathewe, though of others it be omitted, yet muff: it carry his place with vs,as many moe things doe,which one Euangelift notcth,and net another. The thing it felfe yeeldeth very great flrength to our Faith, as touching the rcceyuing ofthat wee aske, containing in it three notable rcafons to that efíe &. The fitft is drawne from the dutie ofaKing, which is heere his fubie&, to de- fende and preferue them. And therefore, Thsneisthe Kingdome; is as much as if wee (Mould fay : O Lorde , graunt our petitions, finte thou art King ,and haft t` all things vndcr thy rule, euen all euill, to fuppreffe it, and all good, to giue it, fo farre as with thy good liking it may be for our good : and finer wee are thy fub- ie&s,whome it bathplcafcd thee to take care of, cucn (nee we hanged vponour Mothers brefts. The fecond reafon is drawen from the Power ; which as it is infinite, to is it a- ble to glue vs whatfoeuer we want. There is nothing too hard,nothing too great, which he cannot giue. Thine is the power,euen all power, might, and ftrength, ioyned with goodnes,and therefore I fainte not. The third reafon is taken from the end or fin all caufe. For thine istheglorie; that is,we defire thefe things for thy glory. Of thee alone,the trueGod and foueraigne King, we delire and expe& all good things,and fo weyeeld veto thee this thy glo- ries and this thine Honour , and profeffe thee to be the Authour and Fountaine of all good things. And verily, becaufe this glorie is due veto thee, therefore doe we defire them of thee. Heare vs therfore for thy glorie,and efpecially becaufe thou wilt alto for thyglory fake, giue chafe things which wee delire. For what things fettle for thy glory,the fame wilt thou performe and doe : but thofe things which we defire,ferue for thy glorie,therfore thou wilt giue them vs. Glue vs therefore there things that wee defire,and the glory (hall retorne and redounde veto thee, if thou deliver vs. For fo (hall thy Kingdome,and power, and gloriebe manifefted, See then beloued a fweete comfort. Ifyourrequeft that you make to your God may be good for you to receyue, afwell may the Lord lode his Kingdome, loofe his power,and Toole his glorie,as you faile of your fruite and hearts delire. For fo teacheth this conclufion as you fee. And if it benot good for you to haue, is the wifdomeofa mighty God, fo known whocan better tell then you yourfelfe what is fit for you,would you haue it? God forbid. Strengthen your hearts then in your prayers alwayes with this. There is no King can belike minded to his fubie& as the Lord is to you : there is no power like the Lords,and his glorie euerwas,and euerfhall be dearevntohim. And therefore what may be his glorie to giue , and your good to receyue, his power can reach it, his loue (hall graunt it, and you (hall neuer want it. For no podding f all beewithholde from his Children, faith the prophet Tauid. Stocks and ftones cannot doe this : Idoles and Images cannot doe this: No, the Angels of Heauen cannot doe this : muchleffe inferiourcreatures And therefore knowe what it isto leaue the right and to take the wrong, todilhonour your God, and to hurt your felues by praying to thefe things. The L .>:°;-_-- _