6. pentlon. rvpon the Lords Prayer. X53 Theword Amen is added, not as a part of the Prayer, but as a particle noting our wrfhofhart, to be heard and to obtaine. As if we thould lay,O Lord runts be it ve- to me, what my tongue or Ioule bath begged :lb be it, Amen, Amen, fo Lord, fo Cord, and then etien in a Iwcete rer of hart & content of made that I haue vttered my felfé to my God, l rife vp & goe my way, !calling ail t r him. And thus much of this heauenly Prayer, the p:utterne ofall Pi aycrs according as the Lad hath ina- bled nice. Flt fted bee the N'ainc of the Lord from this time forth for euermore: eflmen: e.4men. e/1 `Prayer. Moll tender God, and deere father,looke upon vs,and harken to vs, in that mereie of thane chat bath no mealìtre,& when euer it (hall pleafe thine ovine felfe to true vs by any tempration,doe it in mercie according to our tirength& for our good. And Puffer vs neuer to be tempted aboue our power, but glue the iffue 0 to ." with the temptatió,that o e may beable to bearefi. Let it open vntovs our want and weakenes, to reforme vs, but neuer caufe feare aboue faith to ouercome vs. tome wel, cone woe, either outward, or inward, make vs contented, & ftrengthen our Reps in both elates to thy blefled liking,that profperitie puffe not vp,nor aduerfitie pluck vs downe a- boue that is fit for thy true children. If men arault vs & tempt vs vnto cud(, O Lord giuewufedome to difcerne the], feare to follow them, & zeale to defie them. And let not the pleafuresof finne for a feafon prenailè aboue thyfauour, and our eternall good. That hellilh Fiend fo raging and roaring,and euer fo greedie to de- uoure vs,deereFather,let hitn want his will,& all his temptations come to nought. Increafe our knowledge to bewray his flights,and fupport our faith to quench his chutes. Let fume appeare finite & euer dainnable t let it neuer feeme good and ve- ry tollerable. But plucke off thofe maskes,o heauenly God, that it often commeth Pfal,r4i,4; difguifed withal(, and !ecour eyes throughthy mercy,bewray both nature & ende offuch delicates as thy feruant Oauid prayed he might neuer tare of. O bleffedfa- ther helpe vs agaynft ourownc corruption, bur owne concupifènce & finne. Our flefh, our flefh, ô Lorde let it not preuaile to the working ofour woe, and euerla- fling fall.The Spirit is willing, but the fleflr is frayle,full of gainfayings, flriuings and rruglings again{+ thy will. And we know with thine Apollle,that its vs, that is, in our flAh dwelleth no good thing. So that vnleffe thou helpc, moll deere father, it will rebell, and we (hall dye. Deliuer vs from euill, euen from all euill, eternal( God, as if we fhould name them one by one, fo fari-e as may (rand with thy bief- fed pleafure, and our obedience to thee. And finally ( deere ç O D,) though we be vnworthy to goe vpon this ground, becaufe it is thy obedient creature more then wee, much lefrè to lift vp our Eyes to Heauen where thou dweller, and to receiue any comfort that wee aske : yet for that red blood,and heart blood of I E- S VS CHRIST, that neuer finned againf+ thuer,but obeyed thee fullie for vs,and in whom thou art perfidy pleafed, haue mercie vpó vs, haue mercy vpon vs,pardon and deliver vs from.all our ( iones, & fo guide the courfeofrhis earthly pilgrimage here among{+ men, that we may fpend it, and end it in rhy feare, and in thy fauour: afflifled howfoeuer according to thy will,yet ndt in diflrcffe : in doubt (if fo thou wilthaueic) yet notdifpayring: perfecuted, but not forfaken: caftdowneatthy a.Cor.49. pieafure , but not perifhing : through good report and ill report with thy holy Apoftle, peffing our dayes, and doing our duties with finglenes and fimplicitieof heart. Thole infinite temptations that abound in this life ( there being no calling fo holy, nor place fo folitarie, but that men (hall finde both troubles-to trie them, and aduerficie to difquiec them) fo rule and gouerne,fo moderate and temper with thy hand ofinerehre, that we may euer conquer, and ncuerbeeconqueredtor finaoult