Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

A VERIE F'RVITFVLL EXPOSITION OF THE COMMANDEMENTS; BY way of Queftions and Anfwers for greater plainnef , eel , /Ai/ TOGETHER WITH i\c, ei"PPLICJTIO.91(._, OF EYE RI' ONE TO THE SOVLE AND CON SCIENCE OF MAN, PROFITABLE FOR ALL, ANIS efpecialy for them that ( being not otherwife furni(hed) are yet defirous both to fee themfelues, and to dcliuer to others fome largerfpeech of euery point, that is but breefely named in the íhorter Catechifines. By the Right Retterend Fatber in G O D, G E R V A S s B AEI), O.rON, Late BIfhop ofWorcefler. VVhereunto is newly annexed a Table; containing the principal' Matters in this Booke. r PSALMS 1I19.S9. I base cosfidereel my umies, and turned my feet into thy TeFïimonies; diode bait andprekrged not to keepe thy commandments. LOXDOD1C, Printed by GEORGE EL for T