4 Comm4nd. vpon the C ommandements. Sabaoth day, as it did when Quill fuffercd. For it is there laidthat that Sabaoth was a great day.But pallingouer there thus named by.the way, this commaundement oc- cafioneth vs to thinke onely ofthe Sabaoth ofdaies , and to confider therein what r°Irn.'9^ remaineth and what is takenaway. Where marks firf that both in the Sabaoth and otherfeafts , they were precifely tied to certaine circutnftancesoftime,as what day in what inoneth, how many daies together when begun , whenended, what featles onely atHierufalem, what elfe where, with what rites and orders, and fo foorth. And for this fabsoth ofdaies that this commaundement fpeaketh of, fo precife tea ',vas re- quired in it , that further than a Sabaoth dales Tourney, they might not tranell in it, theymight not bake,norfceth any meat , nor fo much as gather any (lickes to doe it Tnd wrthall. Now confrere and lay vnto there places thus flrìdlly tying them thewordes Thai ^3 Ss ofPaulto the Galarhians, Teebferuedaier and monethsand times and yeares. Daics as Numb, xç. he Sabaoth,new Moores, &c. Moneths as the I. and the 7. Times as eafter, Whit- 4.70. fontide , Tabernacles, &c. Ycares as the 7. and the 5o. &c. Which beggerly rudi- ments are moll pernicious to them which haue receiued the fweete libertic of the Gofpell, thrufting them backe vnto fuperflitious bondage againe. ram afraid ofyoo, faith Paul, &c. Therefore if we marke this conference of Scriptures and times , we . euidently fee the cafe flandeth not now under the Gofpell touching this Sabaoth , as then it did. Marke againe the fame Apoftle to the Colofans. Lcr no m.ut ( faith hee iudgeyou iu meateor drink ;, or in refpea of an holy day, or of the nerve Moore, or of the Sa- 2Verre* t e booth dales which arebutfhadowesofthmgesto come, bat the bodieisinChrif. Therefore youfee a charge.Adde hereunto and marke thepra&ife ofChrifl,who Meleede not re- fitting all vfe of their Sabaoth and feaftes, at the firfl did both himfelfe teach and be prefent at other exercifes in the fame. But yet that he might chew that he did not that ofnecelfitie ( as in former time it was done) now and then would he both by word and praftife infinuate an abrogation or a chaunge of the faine from formereflate vnder the lawe as by thefe wordes. The fanne of man is Lordealfo of the Sabaoth , and againe by defending his dilciples when theyhadplucked & rubbedthe eures of corno Díai.rx,$. on o Sabaoth day, healed on it and preached otherdaies betide that day, &c. By all which I fay itmay well appeare, that there is not the fame efface ofthe Sabaoth now vnder the Gìofpell,that was ofit vnder thelawe. Quell. How then I pray you fiandeth it now ? "Infra. There was in this commaundement touching the Sabaoth euer fomething ceremonial!. Whatfoeueris morall remayneth thilto vs as much robe obferued as euer of them : and whatfocuer then was but çeremoniall,that is nowe by Chrill taken away, and we freed from it. As for example ; to haue one day in the feauen to,freue the Lord generally in, that was morall and remayneth ffili , binding vs vnto it, as alto to tell that dayfeom all labours, letting the Conde of pjetie and fand ification,that that day ought to be kept. But to haue precifely the faturday , and torefffohraightly from all labour as they did, that was but ceremoniall and ,a lhadowe, and therefore now abrogatedby the comming of the bodie Chrift, weft. Yea but enea the day alto now in our Church is chaunged fromfaturday to funday. ylnjw Trueth it is , and for that matter marke and confider ip the Scriptures, that as Chrill in his time, to after him his Difciples in their time did beare a while with the infirmity of tise lewes and taught on the Sabaqth, and Paul hafted, tolerufatem againft the feaft of Pentecofi, yet fo, that euer hill they.infnuated a freedome by Chrift , and therefore dailie alto met , &c. But when as falle teachers vehementlie vrged a necefïitic thereof , to fhewe thefreedomc by Chrift from daies and times, then indeede Boode they againft it , aitd, chaunged euen theverie day quite and eleane. . , well. But did the Apofflet indeed themfelues mak¿a this alteration efthe day? Auf»,. Hove fhould wee otherwife,thinke when wee confider thefe arZd fuch :other places ?Fi{fèitis fa* iz the Atles that. T heDifciph.r.deing come .rogerher thefrft dayoftheweekefpóreukybread, Paul preacbed, tic. Now, the firftday of the weeke Aa, -10.74. .with the lenwrs,wasSunday., itttmediatly folowipg their Sabaoth , wherein they E2 'fed 39