Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

9.8 Que ions and Anfweres 5. Cmmand. moll merciful!Ged, and if now wesvillnot confider, learneand be infirm íted,that our wayes heretofore haue not beetle good, and therefore amend them, furely, furely, if-God be God, wt (hall rafe his band, for fe great difobedience. Now the listing God awake. vs, and touch vs timely in this.behalfe, merciful! Fattier lay it fleeter re our charge, for thy great mercyes fake, wherewithwe hanegrieued thee touching this Commandement, bueincreafeostrknow- ledge,increafeour.feeling, increafe our confcience , careful lyío lose and fpend our ¿ayes in thy ¡rare á' f astour,as thou mail be honoured,the power of thy word magnified, our brethren mooned withgood example, cur feints faurd in thegreat day , and thisfabaoth of thine for Auer hereaftermore carefully kept of vs, to the better performsnce of the fernier, forCbrig hisfake, Amen, Amen. The fifth Commaundemcnt. 09 erßion. Hat contayneth thefecond Table? eAnfw. As the fir(l contayned alldueties due to theLorde; inward and eutward,fo the fecondTable contayneth all due. tics due to our brethren, either in hart oraéìion. And there. fore in this fecond table are laid the verie grounds of all ciuill focietie, from whence all mcns lawes proceede if they be fuiL Quell. But doerhefersorkesofthefecondTableconcernemelt our neighbours? tnfw. No, wee may not thinke fo. For though outwardlie they be done to men, and immediately as the proper obie& of them, yet indeed they are done allo to God, and hemore delighteth in them, than in all burnt facrifice. For if wee feede our brç- thren,cloath themnaked,rifite them ficke,or anyway doe them good , God taketh it as donc to himfelfe. Quell. When any prefrriptiovis made toweenin the fcriptures what they Amid doe , why fo often andvfuall art the worker of the fecond table appointed ? trfnfw. Not that they are better than the workes of the fira Table , but for that they are the true bewrayers ofthein: forevery hypocrite will fay he loueth God; fea. tech God, trufteth in God, &c: becaufe thefe are fecrete ductics in the heart , and of man cannot be fudged , but Cooke how he liueth toward his neighbours , and it may foone bee (cene that fayling in the dueties ofthe fecond table towards men, the due- ties of the firfI which heboaflethofintrueth are florin him. For if they were, they lólin.4. would bring f oorth the other. He that faithbe!meth (Jodwhomehe nester faw,andhateth his brother whomeheehath feene,isa yen. Luefl, which is the firft commaundement ofthefecond Table? Anfw. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy dales maybe long,&c. Lueft . ivbatis meant by honour here r Anfw. Reuerence,obedience,and maintenance,ifneederequire. Quell. what is this reverence? Anfw. Ids a true acknowledging in my hart and rninde ofthat fuperloritie,whlch God bath giuen either my arents, or any other perfon ,together with awillin decla- ration ofthe famc,by any lush outward gefturc or bchauiour,as it may be declared in, or by. Quell. Howproaueyou that we melt reuerenee our Parents? Anfw. Many fufficient proofes bath is in the word, but a fewemay fuflice Ys. ? ea 9s , fhallfeare emery man his fathetr, and hismother, faitb the/awe ofGod,thatis,ifweexpound it,ye (hall (land in a rcuerent awe and regarde ofthem with loue:for wee mull needes `uderfland afonnelike fearc,not a feruile in that place. Againe, Honettrthy Father and 6 rmertter