Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Command. upon the Commandements. 49 mother,which is the firfP commandemenomith a promife , -4irh the Apofile : this ho hout Ephel. 9. 7* implieth reuerence.Thirdly, the example of our Saniotir Chriff parftàeming this reue rentr to his mother and his reputed fatherlofeph loth "prooueit tovs. And.tha.LU ea. exampleofSalomon,who beingKing &.hcaringthar his Mother rametofpeaiot»ith S Ki s 2 him,went tomerte hir, bowed dowó.e:to her, caufe'dadeate to be fetdonccr,&placed g heron his right hand.Lafliy,the fcripture expreflie forbidding' fùch things as are con- trarie to this reuerence,manifeftlie prooueth thefarise'to be our duetie, Queft. what it contrarie toir? Anfw. Firft,to curie Father or mother is manifetily contrarie toit,and hath.not tha Scripture forbidden it, laying: Curfedbe kw that curfeth father or mother, as-diceadffheDaic2,t6> people fay amen? Andagaine, He that carfethfatheror mot herfha lldre the. death = eaheLxod.IO. ty. lbaldte and his blond bevpon hons. l Lewpso,y, Auefl. What elfe is contrarie toit? . Anfm. To !Mite father ormotherisapparantly contrarie toit .; ard this alfdhath r the word forbidden : He that fmiteth father cr mother fhall dye thedrath.;And tó rnncke Exod a r.I our parents is contrarie to this reucrencewe owe them: and there fore laid in the thirtie of the Prouer6es , The eye that mocbeth his father or di fpifeth the tom:felt of his Peru, 30. mother,let theRaucns of the field deuotore it,and the yeanQ Eagles pi lie it ort. Quell. How rftheSornebeaM .îgifl rate, and the Father non e,rshcthermofihe then re.: roerencebas Father, or no? As-fm. In matters that concern¢ his office he mull -doe his office , and his Father mull acknowledge his authoritíe, but in privateplaccs,and matters, notwiti,flanding he is aMagiffrate,bee muff doe reuerencc to his Father, as isdue,nryther takcth Ma.. gifiracie this slurry from man,or out ofman,for theymay both w elltl, and together, Quell. How prooue you it ? An fm. King , rîfaexecuteth his office, anddepofethirismother ,we.reade,yetOther- wife no doubt he rcuerenced her ash child, And puetilywas it laid of 7aurum rhePhile_ vcrf. 13. fopher, when the Father and'Sbnne Came to hiinabouta matter, .the Sonne best %a IvlagslrateandtheFathernone, that. the Father fhoulde fitdowne vpon rhar'tiné floole that flee had,ull the yuellion was difputed, whether of them ought of right to haue it. Quell. And are the Children only hounds ? Anfw.No indeedc,but thereis a duety al-well of the Parents to their Children, as of the Childrento their Parents. Pus fl. And what is that l pray yats ? As-fm. In this it is. 'If Parents looke for at their Childrens hands,ho. Hour, that is reuerence, obedience, and maintenance, ifthey neede according c abi- litie,then is itrlueflionlcffe their dueties, fo to behaue themfelues toward their chil- dren,as that there thinges may bee duevnto them, 0.15ft. In part :cularitie what procureth reuerence to them? An fm. Full and formoll , if Parents will brecde this in their children, let them itt any wife carefully looke to theirlife'and behauiour before them. For truel graue, Parents be modefl,and vertuous behauiour firiketh the hearte.s of both children, feruan gtes, and hauiour, all other beholders, with areuerentconceiteoffuckperfons, and contrariwife light behauiour loofeth the fame. uell. what efpeciall rho ugt canyon name that indeedlnofe Parents and fupetiors this re$e'e rce ? . Anfm. Negleclof Religion, Drunkenneífe ,incontinencieoflife,vucomely talke, wanton behauiour,iwearing,withfuth like,and which may not befrrgotten, brow les iarres,& vnki ndne fie betwxit man & wife before their Children. and Seruantes. `Quell. what elfebreedethreuerence? .i?nfm. Good bringing vp, aduetie which the Parents doe oweto their chifdren,as farre as their power will reach , and which in deed tnaketh the .childrenpetfortne to them their dueties the better. Q,el How prtoaeymue that parents are toosnd'to this ?