Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Qüeftions and Anítivers 7. Command. of vs,which we bane heard before out of Salomon fpo,len, that , The man which is ac cu. ftomed to opprobrious wordes,will orner bee reformed all the dates of his life. t4od ou.2.3.15. for that which ù pall ,the God of mercy wipe ir out as bee loathprom ifed. Le' vs confidv- the u.28.1 3. mocker and tauntes that haue pa ffed from zs risen with toy to our wits theft we case/de fe doe, and enerte fpeechfo?mereas we can ,wherebyour brethren haue rei ei. ed Joanne privately openly in place ofiuflice,or out ofit, And are we then vprtgbt before the Lord teuchrr -g the ?mother efrherongse? Bleffed is the man whole rightcoùfnefleis forgiuen , and whole P1st.7.32. finne men in this refpeaiscouered. Themurrher*Plot arerema,netb, where oh e are towey how wehaueeoeervpon any ocetfcn'offered to grove with:nvsofourboethren, oranger,orhatred,or vat) ,reicyci?gat other rains f.11_, drreotreteenre,crteelry,orb:rter- -neffe ; preterm fon of oppartusity,or any other braunch thereof :Brow_ h our neq- ligence and fuffering Satan to creepeupon vs,euen all theft almofi havenot le ne within vs or one time or other, one pillars' en another as thingsvnfeparable ? H w hat h,n,flik,.ngof force, and we well keyewe not why, made vs apt to anger with any thing o hieb they d,d , and often dtfpleafedwith themmore than we flioulde ? How loath anger bei.o lodged too long changed his nature und become hatred in vs? How bath hatred hatchedvp enure and defire of reuenge ? How hash emit wilted the fall of others, fpred their good whatfoeuerit was, Toyed at their mifery , if we bum to fee it ? How loath deftre c f reuengr prided vs to the thing it felfe,e nrcedop cruelty and otter great fecur:tie? what wants haue wefh:w.'doftender com_ paffìon and comfort to the conforrleffe I Whatfrclorging haue we made of the good chick we bare done,and how carelr fly haue we palled wary an opportunity to doe our dtteties to kiatd- neffe to our brethren ? Alas then where is the perfeition of our lone , whet-c is the inr°cencieo f oar fe ,where is that integrate of ours tau.'hing this et mmat. drn e,: t which we dare pre fete of it fife to pleafe before the Lord I Our la ones are flayred ourtorguts ham flrayed, and euen ourbane'salfoperaduentureegainftie hamgrievesflyof /rode. ?'. Let its thin/be of:e,ond E3ually re fe ir ir. For the fight an the Lordegiuevoheartese itcaufethforr owe and true repentance. And te fee f rnetodefatrewe nee denot ,fneeChrifi ourSauionrhath fulfilled the lowe for vs. The very flrength of the lawe is but condition.!! damn atton,; fwe willnot behumbled,ifwe wit/net-repent : but tfwe doe , thenfleppethChri in with alibis perfeEiion ,and pre fenteth himfelfe to his father for vs, then dot h he t ?flite,and who can cendetnne ? then will bee face vs,and what can loofe vs ? O that we would : here fore fee cur offences again/} entry commoundement , and namely agate fi this, O thereee would confeffethem&we can heereafer. The Lordgiuett,and the Lord grauntit, and fofhad we line with the Lord fortuer. The feuenth Commaundemeit. Tho a8. Thom fhalr not commit adultery. ^ueflion. Hat is themeaning of this eommaundement Anfw, Firí't there is forbidden all adulterie, fornication, and othervncleannelfe in our bodies ( faith your booke which needeth no proofe betides the plaine words of the law, and that print which in his confcience euery one carrieth a- bout : yet bath the author added Mine for more ftrength a.. gain: the froward , which I legue to eucry one to reads by themfclues.Secondlythere are forbidden al vnpure thoughts, and lulls of the hcart.For as in the other commandcmentes it The though bathbeene faid,fo is it to be thought ofagaine in this : The lawgiver is fpirituall,and therefore this taw,Befides it is teflified in plainewordes, that not oncly lie is guilty of Matt,p:2r this 'awe whichcomtnitteth theael , but h ealfowhich lookech upon a woman and lulleth