Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Q e(lions and Anfweres 7,Command. Plaits. continually to our colt, when wee willnotbee drawrie to better excercifes that are o ffereífree- ly, wet fake in the venome of !her: smith great delight, anti praElife she fpeeches and con - Daunciug, sici wces of lone which there wee fee and learne. The other we v fe with efpectall pleafure, and G OD being witneffe to many an one, they w the fruit of their be this, men the fall of themfeluesand others into the breach of rho lame. WhatJhould l fay of Gluttonie Qluttonyandidleneffe? Dee they not make vs front? Good Lord glue vs eses to fee, and D,unkennes hearts to weigh the occafsons of our fall. Theffurit of God hath fail that thtfe pricked vp the, firth of the filthy Sodomites to that height of frne, and yet we can,magine they will cattle no Rune at al: in vs ageinfl this /awe. and therfore profrffrg the gaff ell and Integrity of life, yet dare we fo pamper,fo fluffe and eramme this rebelling flrfh, as if we were Gods that could fufferno temptation : we dare gull in wine and hot drinkes continually, being peradventure both flrong and yovng,and emery way needing rather pulling dowse then fitting vp. We dare pare our felttes infof beds, too long for ourconflitations, and all the day after betake our X encRe. Jewel tonotbengwhereabout the monde might wake, and foefcape Impure conceits. We dar defer the meanerwhich CJ O D hash appointed for our he/pe to lute undefiled, for emery trifling caufe, and feeling the fl: fh to arife is defobedience again fl:his lawmen dai y yet neither fall toe, nor breaks our fleepe, nor labour, nor marry, nor any way flop the courfe of it. But certain- ly as vnfecling men par fe on the timeand heape vp wrath again) ¿he day of wrath far our bold offending. Bndyetwe hope tebe fautd,andyet we hope tohaueaioyf it refurre5lion.Btit (O dearein the Lord)it will not be fo.Ferisnot this the law of God, 1 t:ou Chair not commit . adultery ?d,th it not forbid both aáandthoughtaswe bane plainly Rene, and men entry allurement toeither of them? and muff not G O D itage vs according to his Law ? How then fhateld we hue when we haue witnes within vs that wee offend his Lame? Be not deserted, but as wefeare theloffe of bodyandhaute foreuermore let vs be warned. Can nothing aecufevs that bath beinefaid? Did wenesoer in ahi or in thought tcceiiseanjftaine contrary to this commauxdemenc ? Haue we euer had care and power to auoid all,reanes ? What mouth dare fpeake tt, what heart can thinke it, if it he not braffe or flede, and as void offee- ling ? Wherefore awake let vs allfront our former fleepe,let vs Hand vp at laflfrom the dead in trefpafes andfirmer, andChrifl our Beare Sauiour/hallgiteevs light. Let vs acknowledge what this Law requireth, and what we Jhould haue done et:ery one of vs. Let vs confefewee hone ftrsyedfrom it many a time and way ,and are no way ahleto o ff<r zp our feints righteous, cltare and innocent to the Lord touching this law, and for the time to come that we )hallyet line here .0 let vs carryfome greater care to ob feruehis will.We now knowe,nos our all, onelY but our inward thoughts muff euer be holy, we now /Low many means that leale to offence beerein,and that euen the meaner mufl alfo be efcbewed. Ì'(w then if we line as in ignorance we did, fcorning at counfaile, cleaning to our pleafures, and ren Cling the Lord and his law, /hall we efcape ? He that bnoweth his Maiflers will and Both it not than he be vnpurs [heel ? Marks what l fay, and pray euer to feele it. as the wrath of the King bad h. eate the furnace feauen times hotter then merit was toconfume the men that withflood him to his face for truth: fofhall the wrath of God that made this law ,taufthtlitobehet feastentytimes feanen times hotter for 0.s:, of wilfully after warning. and maliciose fly after knowledge weoppofe our life agent, it.rhat is, hefhall multiply thepaines of he/upon vs for the fe pleafures o f our flr/h, that fie eete fine mayhaue bitter and fowre confufion for euermore. Now the god of Heauen glue vs fence and feeling, the Lord of mercy touch vs with atone of finne by the viewing of hit lave. For we cannot atomics line and thus dal y with our owne foules, neither flardeth it with the nature of our GOD, who tr tuft fnalfy to forgone vs, though he long forbearevs, vn /effe we amend. Bose he muff haue bis rudgement,and we mull ham our torment as fire at we hut. iyow sloth he wifh vs to confider his waits and to turne our fette into histeflit{sonies, his warningswage, and bit wrath encreafeth, if we fettle our [elitesagainfl him.Tet O bow I feare we will wit y dire it.For it is fofweete and fo incident to vs which this law forbiddeth, that a:hoofandt° onewe forfeit: the Lord.The allurements l haue named we will newer with - /and, no, we willnot heare of it that they caufe os to fall. But pleaftnq this flefh for ehrtime we doe vfe them,we will neuerefptethe paine that will follows them. TetwhyfhouldI,fears finte Godis of power to pierce any heart, and bath promifed to doe it if we heartily begge it ?O Lord I hopethouwiltworke, with vs,that by this Lawe we may fechow we balm offended thee,