Ball - BT770 B3 1637

The Commandements. ced by authoritie, gracedby example, attendeduponwith honour, dignitie, preferment, and futing toour difpofition. Faith fubdueth the flrongefl paflions aswell, and (ifdue and right cornparifon beemade) as much as the weakefl ; and acknowledging thegoodneffe, mercie, andabfolute fo- veraigntie of the Lord, yeeldeth it felfe CO be led by him, above allthings that can oppofe themfelves, and will not give place to ought that doth fet againíl him. If God bid Abraham leave all, his friends, his fathershoufe, the land of his nativitie, to goeinto a orange countrey,be is ílraight uponhis journey, without further queflioningheewill bee gone, no entreatie will flayhim in Mefopotamia. If God command him tooffer his onely Son in facrifice, heis early up todoe it. The faithfull foule gives firme and free afí'ent unto all things revealed by God, eagerly fixeth the affiance of heart upon thepromifes, and cleaveth dole unto the Com- mandements, not onely fuch as lute with his difpofition, education, age, but even thofethat direaly crone and op- pofe carnali reafon, carnali af#edtions, wordly pleafures, and what provocations foever there be in the world unto finne : and not then alone when it maybe done without contradi&ion or refiflance, but then efpecially when temptations rife, humane reafon failes,finfull lulls hale this wayand that, Satan rageth, the world frownesor flatters, our preferment, credit, honour,life, all lies at flake. In this cafe, faith lookesdirely untoGod, and judgeth it bell to flickunto him from whomcomes falvation. For no good can bee equall to that which God promifeth, no evill fo great as what he threatens, no courfefofafe as what bee prefcribes, no evidence fo fire as the truth of God, no command fo jufl as what God requires; thegreatefl gaine is to lofe all for Chrifis fake, ifwee be called thereunto; wee fhould (land foaffeéled to the glorie of God, as ro fbrinke in no trial!, though never fo difficult, nor thinke it much to refit onto blood, thriving again,+ fin: This is the confiant, certaine judgement offaith, whichbringeth forth F a fettled Genef.2z.2,3. Heb.,2.q,