Thekciallobjeffofjufiifyingfith. 7' more earnetlIy we feeke for falvation onlyby. Chritl. Faith ref+ethupon Chrifhas Mediatour,oras God and titanobey- ingto the curled death of thecroffe, that from thegraceof Godwee might obtaine pardonof fin, andbee accepted as righteous unto life. For thiswee are alwayes to have in mind, that Chritl isthe objeól of faith, not abflrar+ly and nakedly confidered, but Chrifiwith his benefits, Chritl lif- ted up as thebrazen Serpent, Chritl let forth as a propitia- tonie facrifice for our fins, Chrìf+as our Redeemer frontfin anddeath,Chritl as he is let forth to the beleever : and thus to receive Chritl and beleeve on him, is tobeleeve and re- ceive in him ranfomefrom fin anddeath. Chritl and his Apoflles tef+ifie,that this is fpecially tobe preached, viz. remifion offinnes in and through Jeftu Chr;ft. aThis the faith of all the Saints, [though it have refpe6ed everie part ofthe \Vord] bath in fpeciall manner refpeeted, craved, embraced. Butthat which is fpecially to be preached and beleeved ; that which the faith ofall the Saintsbath alwayes in fpeciall manner refpecled, defired, craved, and obtained, that is the fpeciallobje6+ofjufifying faith. Ifat anytimewee read, that thebeleefe ofa tempo- rarie promife was accounted for righteoufnefl'e ; it is, be- caufe it doth in beleeving the thing temporali, apprehend b him in whom all the promifes are Yea and Amen : who is at leaf+ the removedobje&of juiifying faithin every thing it apprehendeth. Thus Ábrahambeleeving the promifeof feed, did apprehend that bleffed feed which hadfrom the beginning beene promifed, and law his day. Neither did he looke at thepower ofGod, but to fùf+aine his beleefeof afeedbefore promifed, again(+ the temptations wherewith he was cercifed Exprefï'e mention of the fpeciall mercie of God we find not in the fermons of the Apoftles ; but it dothevidently followofthofe things which are preached by them. Forremiflion d of fins doth-prefuppofe the mer- cieof God; and the fpeciall fubje of their preachingcis remifsionof fins, by and for the death and refiirreetion of Jefirs F 4 That Mark,1.15. Ads 20.24. Luk.24.47. t Pe1.r.31. 2 Cor519,ao. a Pfa1.3s.5 and SIr,a, and w3. 3 Dan.9.17 Hof14.3. and Z.29,ao. Lukaqr. and 18.19. As 2542. Gen.t5.6. b Ga1.3.8.r6. d Pfal.1o3.3,13. and r 3 o.3a4. Tit 3.5. eAds2.38.and 4.12. and =o.43. and 13.39, and 8.37.