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juftifying Faith is aparticular confidence. 79 CHAP. VII. 3uftifying Faith is a particular and certaine confidences refiing upon themercie of God inChrillforpardon andforgiveneffe ; not an affuredperfwafion that our (ins be alreadypardoned and forgiven. s. r. j U(Iifying Faith doth not onely beleeve the pro- Jmile of mercie in generall; as that there is for- giveneffefor themthat lay hold upon it: but it relyeth up- on thepromife forour owne particular, anddepends whol- ly thereupon, looking after no other help. For trulf or confidence importeth the application of force good to him that trulfeth : and fo hec that caffeth himfelfe upon the promifesofinercie drawes neere unto Chriff, throwes himfelfe into his armes, andgrafps about. him with all his might. Looke how the poore infant, affrightedwiththe apprehenfion offome danger, clings dole- to the parent' for fuccour anddefence; or a manin danger of drowning layes.hold upon Tome willow that growes upon.thebank, and hangs thereon for fafetie: fo doth: the foule,purfued by the terrours of the Law, and affrighted with the ugly fight of finne, flye with fpeed untoJefus Chriff, as hee is held forth in the Gofpel, hang upon him, and to dye for it will never lofe his hold. For in him it apprehends plentiful] redemption, and out of him it knowes no fuc- cour is tobeefound. In this fenfe faith applyeth thepro- mife a mans felfe inparticular, that is, it parti cularly relyeth upon the grace of God in Jefus Chrilf to obtaine pardon and forgiveneffe. Even as they that were thingwith the fierie ferpents, did come and looke to the brazen Sërpent, beleeving to find the healing of thole deadly flings that were fattened in them thus a foule, flungwith fin and feareofdamnation, commeth by faith toChriff, relyingon aim, trulfingto find in and through him, 3. 7. yuflifj}ng Faith $4 aparticular and certainetonke- dence. Numb .zt.g. Juh.3.i4,15..