84 d Tïm.1. I2 0 Faith iscertaine in the event, not ever in fenfe. queflion, trouble theeye of faith. Not that the comfort of a Chrlf+ian is grounded upon his flrength of grace, or any good worke that is or can beedoneby him : but be- cáufehis beleefein the mercieof God cannot bee greater than his ffrength to overcome worldly allurements, wherebyhee might bee withdrawnefrom God, or care to yeeld unifòrme,(incere,and confiant obedienceto all Gods Commandements. Againe, it is one thing to havea thing furely, another thing to know I have it Purely. Wee feeke many things that wee have in our hands : wee have many things that wee thinke wee have loft : fo a Beleever, who hath a lure beleefe, yet Both not alvvayes know that bee fo beleeveth, feeketh but findeth it not; nay, thinketh hee is altogether without faith , when bee bath it, unfainedly. A man unregenerate, that is wholly cor- rupt, feeth little or no corruption in bimfelfe : yea, af: ter due, ferions,and long examination,many diforders may fecretly lurke in the heart of a man fanótified, which bee doth not efpie: And is it then any marvel that a true Beleever fhouldbeeunable (fometimes at leaf+) tofay that bee doth beleeve ? yea, that hee fhouldnot find it, though heemake diligentfearch and enquirie into his owne heart about it. Looke as children live in the womb, and know not that they doe live : fo it is withmany true beleeving foules, who long beleeve, before they come to fee them- felves beleeve, andbe able bya reflexedoperationofmind to fay, Iknow onwhom Ihavebeleeved. A manofa con- tritefpirit, beleeving that his finsarepardonable, earnef+Iy clefiring remifsion offirmes bythe meritsofChrif+, and re- fling upon Chrif+ alone for falvation, affuredly hee recei- veth forgiveneffe, althoughhee bevexed with fcruples and temptations,, and want the affurance and perfwalion in himfelfe that his finsbee remitted. Forfaith isneceffarie to falvation: but full affurance that I doe beleevein that fort, is not of like necefsitie. Andif a man may beleeve unfainedly,whois not,fullyaffuredthat he doth fobeleeve, then