88 Faith as<tA fio:i4a, KeingánOrig.f,orpardon°. if urjuli; thenbeleeving that his fumes bepardoned, . her. v.Fittdofrhe I,beleeaetha.lye. Our aníweris, that fpeciall faith bath fun- Çhurch,li&.;. ¡drie acts; but to this purpofe fnecially.two. The firit 0.44 12eltemof wal- ;heartily to deliire,,earneftly to thirft after, humbly toen- kin. wirh God, treat for acceptation, andconfidently to refl. upon thepro- pág.327,3 xx' To &sleevethat n mile offree remifsion: The other comfòrtably to aflùre n inoowforgiven and perfvade that that isgranted, .whichwaA. d.P4irnd,and_ inChrifl if rather ,anaífofexperi- received in promife. Faith ,by;her firft,actrobtai5ìtth.aod ence ina Beleever receiveth pardon; and loth-n©eind us, ??n , :haVG now juftifed, than that &eleefe which !gin=to beleeve : by her feccndi'a4 1 fiwAc1o4h not a wally is requited juftifie, but.finding the thing done,, certifieth and,aff'ureth flifcatien. P. Bay]. Help to us of it. So then fpeciall faith in her firft act,, is before trueIlappineffc, Juftification, and procurethgobtaineth , and received' ar- part.x. gu.9 p don, but then fheebath notthe perfivafionof itras already done : In her.fecond aót fh-eeprefuppofeth the thing done, and alreadyobtained, and, fo truly perfwadeth, the belee-. ver of it, but procureth not the doing of it. BeforeJuf+i_. fication faith feeketh andreceiveth the promifeofforgive nef e : after Juftification, it comfortably aff eda óehe blefsingobtained inboth it hadi for its objeer the fp eeialt a nftifying faith mercie of God in Chrift. Faith receivethCbtift offered in bathfomegat, . on the Gofpel, and it, perTwadeth-and atfureth of pardoir in 000ufedifpofing, Chrif}received : both therebe the a51s,nffaith, fómet totes, preparing andfi,- tin to to there_ exprelfed a,in the .definition of juftifyingfaith : but if',wee eeifi{ä?raçi. fpeake of faith as, it juffifieth, it peculiarly embraceth OMfayourAhoe& , Godáochjufliie Chrift with his benefits, as:hee is profited in the Word nt. and other, ea4 andSacrament. For faith, which is required to juaificati- fufceptivecaure, rectiving,embra. on , is not a perf>vafion or knowledge of things already cans, and enjoying poffeffied, but a confidence of things promifect and upon. tbje/;4rüe In the former repeal beleeving tobee obtained, which intheordorofcaufes,not faith confi(,not in time, dothgoe before remifsionoNiins.. Whoknovveth in perf)l'afton thatreearetie not, that wee muttbeleeve, that weemight bee juftified? fono ofGnd, but i» Juftified, Ifay, and not certifiedof juftificationby' thehe- the latter. Flaid ,Appendix to the nefit of faith. The .Scripture:is cleare ; b Beleeve,and thoat fifthBoe¢e, fecond fhaltbelaved.:. god f J° u, i qeth the circamofion. by faith part9.33.paV. b Aas :6.3t. and the uncireumciJiion throughfaith. Doe not thefe, and c Rom.3.3o. many the like paiIges. thew, that juftification, and not onely