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9 Thefeverdll ofates of Beleevers. § 4. Therverallffater of 'teleevert. Efav 42.3. Pfa1.31.22. anj 77.3A9,to. Phil.7.t9,rG. 2 Tim.4.1s. principle betrue bywhich he fir(+beleeved,yet he isjealous left he have mifapplyed it to himfelfe. §. 4. This will appeare in the fèverail flares or forts of trueBeleevers. There is a fluewhereinfaith is a fmoa- king weeke,defiringthat it could beleeve, rather thanget- tingup to feele it felfe beleeve, difcovering it felfe by car- net fghs and groanes for mercie, and hanging upon Chrift, though theBeleever can fcarce tell whether hee ref+ upon himor no : This faith is certaine in event, but the Beleever in this (late is farre fromparticularaflàranceof his falvation. Againe, thoughfaithbee not troubled, but doe quietly (lay on Chrifl, andtalle God good in letting them find peace with him ; yet inch is the infancie offpirituall under- ftanding in Chriflians, efpeciallynow fir(+converted, that theydoe not returne intothemfelves,and judgeofthat they doe,andof thegreat confequence ofthat they doe. Hence it is that they will tell you, they find Godgood to then, and goe on cheerefully in duties for the prefent : but they come not to behold the flabilitie of their falvation. The child lives,beforeheknowes that hedoth live; andknowes heedoth live, before hee knowes thecaufeoflife, or the in- heritancewhereunto hee is borne : andfo it maybee and is with a Beleever. There isa (late in which faith is exercifed with temptati- ons fromunbeleefeor otherwife ; by which oppoltionthe foule iskept fromobtaining this certaintie, being encoun- tredwith doubtfull appearances, which itcannot well an- fwerand clearefor the prefent. There is a flue wherein faith is now growne up, and bath either out-wre(ted, or otherwife is exempted from knowing filch temptations ; in which condition the faith- full doeperfwade themfelves, that Gods mercie, and truth, and power, (hall carrie them thorowunto fâlvation. But when now our confHences (hall come to te(lifie thorow faith and experience this happie eflate, wee are fabje&by negle ling meanes , laying downe our watch, giving the reines