xoo c lgâtrance ofakationmay be obtained. hee that beleeveth unfainedly bee altogether uncertaine, whether heebeleeve, or no? There is that bonJ erhwhen his foule hath nought : yet men whomGodbath bleffed withabundance, may know that theybee rich. Many are deceived in matters offaith and true woríhipofGod ; ília11 not a Chrifiian then bee certaine ofhisReligion ? Aman that dreamethofhonour and promotion, plentieand abun- dance, may live in infamie and disgrace, penurie and hunger : and yet they that bee promoted to honour, and live in plenty , may affuredlybeeperfwadedofwhat God bath given them. Some mens fenfes are deluded, (ball every mantherefore bee infufpenceofwhatfoever hee feeth or heareth? He that is falfly perfwaded ofhis good eflate and flrong faith , deceiveth his owne foule : fhall he there- fore that unfainedly embraceth Chrifi , and refieth upon him , beever atuncertainties , whether heelothbeleeve or no? Jer Tcllar. e u . The heart unregenerate is deceitfulland wickedabove d lib.3. cap. 8 fee. all things: the heart regenerate is true and faithful] : In re- Ruinsargnmc . fpe5i of the exalt meafure of graceand flrength, the re- t. Pfal.7.to. generate are oft deceived ; but of the truth of racethe To be in thefaith, g y is tohavefáith in maybeeaffured : in force particular refòlutions theymay them bee ignorant of their owne hearts ; butoftheir generali Rom.B. t.& 5.9. Ephef. 3.t7. purpof they may firmely and truelybe perfwaded. Taut xJnh84.i6. bidsvs * prove andtrieourIckes whether wee havenot cot. ;3.56 that faith, by which Chrifi dwelleth inour hearts, which Ephcf. 3.'2%e- worketh by love, which is the faithof fuch as areaccepted with God , are purged from their finne, and are become nbem aanor.in. Templesofthe HolyGhofi : intimating that by examinati- g Cor.t3.5;451.,. on it is tobe difcerr.ed and knownwhetherwe beleeve.And ifwe may know that wee havefaith, whereby Chrifi dwel- leth inus by hisSpirit, andwe inhim, then maywee know alfo that weehave repented trulyofour fins : for faith and repentancebeinfeparable companions,andwho fobath the one, bee cannot bedeflituteoftheother.It isone thing to repent , another to beleeve : but there two live anddwell together,that ifone be wantingthereisneither in truth. They