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1 o8 L4furance offalvationmay be obtained. I Joh.3.I9 2I. for if ourconfcience accufe tonot, thenhavewe boldneffe : 2 Cora. This is ourrejoycing before Clod, even the tetimonyofour confcience. Nay, this Text of Scripture well weighed, is fuftîcient todash the vaine cavils of thePapit}s : For Paul was affured of his falvation, and of the uprightneffèof his heart and confcience, though hee was ignorant of many fecret infirmities which the Mott High did efpie in him, and of thatmeafureof gracewhich hehad received. What followeth hereupon? Even there two things, which di- re&ly overthrow the doctrine of our Adverfaries : viz. That beewho bath received grace from God, may know the truth, though not the meafure, of his faith and repen- tance : and ignoranceoftheexactmultitude andgreatnefl'e ofour offences, is no barre or hinderance to the certaintie Begat..1 a. of falvation. Who knowes the multitude ofhis fins? Not Begat. do pp! , 1ib:3, cap.5 one. In this life a man can never fufficiently underhand the greatnefïeand multitude ofhis offences : yetmay he beeaffured of the remiflion offinnes knowne and fecret ; because not the perfect knowledge offinne is the caufe ofcertaintie , but the perfea mercie of God , and the perfect merit of Chrift; to which wee muff looke by faith. § 9. 1 §. 9. If the end of theScripturebe that wee fhoulet óe- 13. leeve,andbeleevingshould kvnow thatwe haveeternalllife, Jo11.z0.31. and 3.16, theneverie Beleever that knoweth himfelfe to bea Belee- ver, may becerraine ofhis falvation. But the former is an undoubted truth. It is hereobjected, Whatfoever wee beleevebyfaith, is as infallible as the WordofGod, which affureth usof it : If then the common fort of the faithfull doe not beleeve their falvation to bee as infallible as Gods owne Word, they are not by faith affuredof it. Theanswer is, that the falvation of a Beleever is as infallible in it felfe , and in event, as is the Word ofGod, which afï'ureth himof it : but alwayes it is not fo in his apprehenfion and feeling. The principles offaithare everalike certaine, but not ap- prehendedofall with the fame degree ofcertaintie. For there I J017.5.I0,=I,It,