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" (urance ofalvation may be obtained. 109 there are divers degrees of faith, littlefaith , greatfaith , Mat 84,6. fullaffurance o f faith ; even as a weak eye and a thongeye. Mat, í za. Andas weakeeye feethbut weakely and rmperfetlly, and 11om4.2a, a flrong eye feeth firongly , and more fully difcerneth the thingfeene : ío a little faithbeleeveth faintly, though tru- ly; greater faith beleeveth more fledfeflly; full affuranee of faith beleeveth under hope, evenagainfl hope.The Difci- pies of Chrifl Paid untohirn, Weebeleeve andknow that Joh, 649. thouart Chrift theSon ofthe living God : which in it felfe was infallibly true,and yetthey didnot fo infallibly appre- hend it, but that this faithwas foonefl aken and&beeaufe theydid not infalliblybeleeveit,our Saviour tels them,thae thereforehe forewarned themofhis Death and Refurre h.. on, that when it war come topaffe they might beleeve, It Jot,,, 14.29. was faith that made Peter upon Chrifls wordstaller) into Mat.:4.2s. theSea togoeuntohim uponthe waters, beleeving that he ffiouldbe fafe; but yet bee beleeved it not infallibly : for when he beganto finke,hecriedoutfor feare,Maffer,fave Verf. 30.3 t. me. The Difciples beleeved in our Saviour as theonely pro- Luk.24.2*. mifed Meffiar andRedeemeroflfrael: but when they Caw hervas put todeath , they began to flagger at it. The like maybe noted oftheir feareand doubting at other times. Yea, that aflurance that is had by extraordinary reve- Iation is not altogether free from feares and doubts,fhaking fomerimes the confidence of that , which a manbath re- ceived immediately from the OracleofGods owne mouth, orby fpeciall meffengers dire&ed fromGodfor certificate in that behalfe.Whichis tobe`feene in theexamples ofA- braham,Ifaac,David,and others,to whomGod had given Gcn. *z*z t3. fpeciall promife ofhisprote&ion and favour ; and yet upon Pratm.3T.zz. occafions they have bewrayed great infirmity in the apere- I Sam. 27. *. henfion thereof. And if this befall to faith inthole things which are extraordinary revealed (for it is faithordinary by which a manbeleeveth Inch extraordinary revelations ) much more wee may aiùre our felves, it befalleth there, where wee have no other but ordinary revelationby the writtenwordofGod. Alfo