Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Whatfinnes hinder affiarance. z'19 The favour of God towards his children is unchangeable, the fentenceofpardon granted fhall never bee reverfed ; e- ven after force grievous fall, the feeds ofgrace abide in them , and they remaine in the (late ofJuflification : but whilelî they continue in fuchanelate offinne, they can makeno aótuall claime tothepromifes ofeternall life. The feedsofgraceabiding in them, they Hill retaine their right and title to eternal life tobegivenoffreeand undeferved grace : but they are fufpended fromaEuall claime , until they rifeagaine bytrue repentance ; and then they recover not a new right or title , but a new claime by vertueoothe old title. For it is the perpetual ordinance ofGod , that if his children firikeout ofthe way by finne, theymuff rifea- gaine, and renne their faith and repentance,before they can have any found ortruehope offalvation. There canbeeno Chriflian aíl'urance , which doth not fullycontent andac- cordwith thefe andfuch like rangesof holy Scripture : If I regard iniquity inmy heart, the Lordwill not heareme : Thefoule thatfinneth,ß:all die. Knowyee not, that the un- righteous(hallnot inherit thekingdomeofGod? Henot de- ceived: neitherfornicatorsoor idolaters,nor adulterers,nor effeminate, nor abufers ofthemfelves with manklinde, Nor t heeves, nor covetous,nor drunkards,norrevilers , nor ex- tortioners, (hall inherit thekingdome ofGod. If therefore agodlyman, as David, turne afideintofinneofthis kinde, hee can have no affurance ofmercy, till thisiniquitybee broken off by unfained repentance. For faith cannot re ceive what the word of gracedoth not promife :But par- don of finne is promifed to themonely that confeffeand forfáke their iniquity ; that forfake all finne in habit , de- light , and indulgence ; groffe finneutterlyand upon good advice. §. t 3. The raigneand abfolute dominion a offinne doth utterlyexclude grace,and he that is foguilty, bath nothing in him that can cry or call for pardon or forgiveneffè. In whom finne hath this dominion , he as yet is under b the curieofthe law , and the wrath of God abideth on hi fog 1 4 PfaI.37 =4 John io.a8, 2.9130. John 8.i5. I John 3. 9. Pral. 6ej8. Ezck.18.4 i Cor. 6.9, Ephef 5. . Col 3.56. r3. Theabfalare raigne offin milt notflandwith thefiateofgrave. aRom.6.r2,i3, Ia. b John 3.36. Deut.;-.24. Matth.9. 23. Nun.15.30.