130 GodandChri.ff is the onely object of trueconfidence. Philem.S. Bellat, de beati- tud : Sant1, liba. cap.xo. Verf.6. Ephef. i.t e. Colofft.q. 1 and love to the Saints, Paying; Hearing of thy love and f faith, which thouhailtowards theLordjefu, and toward all Saints. But in thisplace faith is referred onely to Chri(}, and love to the brethren, as it appeareth in the two ver- lesnext fallowing. In the former whereof faith is refÑrai- ned unto Chrifl,and in the latter, thelove herementioned is carried to the brethren: which appeareth alío, in that other where upon the fame occafion, hee fodiflinguifheth faithand love, that faith is appropriated untoChrif}, and love referred to the Saints. For the verie wordsaifo, the Apoffle hath fofenced them, that although the truthwere not otherwife cleare, our Adverfaries can have no advan- tage for their do&rine ofpinning our moll holyfaith up- on the fleeve of everie Saint : For although hee have cou- pled Charitie and Faith together, which in other Epi(iles beedoth diflindly referrethe one toarid, theother to thefaithfull; yet hee hath ufed prepoßtions, which note that faith muff paffe no further than to Chrif}, as charitie goeth no further in thisplace, but unto the Saints. For where the prepofition End is filch as might have ferved both tonote our faith towards Chrift, and our charitie to- wards our brethren; beedeclares that hee would not have Faithand Charitie carried tooneand the fame object, by the choyce of feverall bandsof prepofitions,wherewith to tie each of thefe vertues with the fubje& whereunto they belong. Rut togoeno further than to the7hentilts Tranf- lation, Can they fay,thatwee havecharitie in theLord je- fus ? If with the latter claufe further removed, which ù towardsall Saints, theywill have both Charitie and Faith conjoyned, it followeth pinch more, that with this claufe, In theLord jefim, which is neerer unto charitie than the other, theyought both alfa to beecoupled. lf this beab- find, much more is it, that upon this ground of coupling Faith and Charitie together, they wouldhave them both carried and applyed unto thefe words, Unto theSaints. As for the order of words, and coupling things together, whichare tobe referred diflinhlly, the like is tobeefound in,