Ball - BT770 B3 1637

e...1rahleoftheprixcipall matters. l the gracious invitation of Chrift,. 1 calling the thirfty and burdened 101.112 to come unto him p.t 76 The tenth Temptation,Their fins be many in number , and hai- nous for quality, § to Remedie, The hainoufnefle or number of our finnes make us not uncapableofmercy, p. t 76 The eleventh Temptation, They are prefíedwith theheavie bur- then of Gods wrath. Remedie, t. Faith may continue ftrong, though fenfe,of Gods love fatle, p.177 z. Faith goeth before expe- rience or fenfe ofmercy,and wai- tech for falvation by Chrift in the depth of miferie, ibid. 3. Wee are not togive credit to our owne feeling , but to the Word of God, p.177,178 4. The deareft fervants of God havein their owne fenfeap- prehended wrath and indignati- on; p.178 The twelfth Temptation , They have longufed the meanes and can find nocomfort, § ir Remedie, t . Examine ifCome bo- fome finne bee not that which makes the breach in the confci- ence, p.178 z. The Godly fometimes walke without comfort, becaufe they put it from themfelves, p.179 3. Oftentimes God caufeth his children to feeke long before they find comfort, ibid. 4. Theardent defire shall at length be fatisfied, ibid. g. Remifliòn of finnes and peace of contcience are favours worth the waiting for, ibid. 6. Wee have not waited To many yeeres in the meanes of grace for comfort, as God bath waited for our converlon, p, '80 The thirteenrhTemptation,They are afraid of falling into fome fearefull extremity , § s z 2emedie, 1. Labour to fortifie faith in the gracious promifes which God bath made to his children of fuftentation and prefervation, p.t8o z. The ftrongeft cannot Rand by their owne might, and the weakeil than bee able to over- come all their fpitituall enemies by the power ofthe Lord, ibid. 3. Feare is valiantly to be re- filled, not to be beleevedor rea- fonedwithal', p.181 4. Feare of falling ariling from fenfe ofweakeneffe, is diffi- dence in God, ibid. The foureteenth Temptation , They 'hall never hold out to the end, § t ; Remedie, t. The fame God who keepes them in time of peace,is able and will uphold them in timeof trouble, p.t8t z. In our foreft aflàults God is at ow right hand to Cup. port and flayus, that we 'hall not fall, p.18z 3. If their portion ofgrace be the fmalleft of all others, they mull (rive to grow forward,but without difcouragement, ibid. The fifteenth Temptation, They are many waiescroWed and af- fliEled, §. 14 Remedie, r. God doth love ten- derly when he doth correEl fe- verely, p.í83 z. All Gouts chafiifements are but purgative medicines to prevent or cure Come fpitituall dif.