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cí111havenot like meafure ofFaith. 141 ofGod amonga Chriflians. All good ground is not equall in yeelding fruit, forne returnes an hundred-fold, force thirty -fold. Such perfeStion of faith is granted to no man in this life , that neither hee nor any other canbee moreperfeá therein. The faith of all the eledt is fincere; the faith of forne perfect in comparifon of others : but abfolutely the greaten faith is imperfe&. Juflifying faith fuppofeth i mperfeótion , and is it lèlfe imperfect inus fo longaswee live in this world. It is imperfect extenfively in regard of things tobe beleeved ; and intenfively, in refpe&ofconfi- dence, wherewith we beleeve in Chrifi.. Weeknowno- thing as wee fhould , ofthofe thingswhich weknow.: and many things we are ignorantin, which we fhouldknòw. We arelike theblindeman, whofe eyes, nowopened, be- ganto fee men like trees. Looke as children know not at all many things, yet theycome to knowafterward; fowe: and looke as they doe not fullyknow thofe things which theyknow, but fuperficiálly; fois,itwithusin heavenly matters. Hence our confidence cannot bee perfea. For thofe who know God belt , trufl him befi : thofe who dimmely know him, his goodneffeand truth, theycanbut weakely beleeve onhim.. In fpeculativeknowledge pertai- ning to dìfcourfe theymay farce excell who come fhort in confidence : but incertain, diftinc , pra&icall know- ledge they are moll excellent , that with moll lively af- fiance doecleave unto theLord. Againe, the myfieries of faith are foprofound,that in this lifewe cannot attaine un- to theunderllandingofthem fully and perfe&ly, buthave needto pray daily , that theeyesofour minde may beeo- pened, that wee may more fully conceive of the things that pertaine to the Kingdome ofGod.. And ifour eye be dimme in fight, our hand is feeble inreceiving. For our will is as much corrupt as theunderflanding : audit is eafier to difcerne the truth , than firmely toembrace it a- gainfl all oppofitions. The darkneffe ofminde is an im- pediment to full and perfect knowledge : the corruption of Faith perfeâ caf none. fI heff 2.7,S. Compared with n Their.; to. Phil. 3. 15. 2 Cor. 2.13.12. Mar.8.24. z Como. 13.. z ThefC:t.;. Ephet t.í7, 18. &4.18,íj. Col. 1.9,10.