Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Faith famewhatgrorvne. StrangFaith. 147 live infeare and care, that might refs confident andfecure ? who would walke penfvely , that might continually re- jpyce and triumph' ?" A weake faith will bring to falvation , but a firong faith is neccllary for a Chrifrian , that he may overcome with more eafe, fight more manfully, endure with patience, and obey with cheerfulneffe. The leaf' dramme of faith is more precious than gold that peri- fheth, better than the whole world; who, that knoweth the price andvalue offuch a jewell, would not delire and labour to befurnifhed with it , and grow rich therein ? In earthly things a full efratepleafeth heft : inheavenly shall weebee contentedto live from hand to mouth, and fcarce that , whenwe might with better allowance enjoyplenty? All living things have an appetite to feeke and delire nou- rifbment for increafe unto perfc6 frature in their kind: herbs and plants fucke juyceout oftheearth ; new borne babes delire the mothers breafr. All true graces are frill growing froma graine ofMufrard feed to agreat tree ; and Mgt r3 3r>32 lively faithdoth covet increafe from feeble frate to better growth, fromgrowth to frrength,from frrength to full affu- rance. §. 9. Faith fomewhat growne is , when the beleever Z. Somewhat is better acquainted with thedo&rine offalvation,giveth grown. more full, abfolute, andunlimited aflent to the Word of truth than formerly, cleaveth fafler to the promifes of mercy inJelus.Chrifr , is better ftablifhed in thepradrice ofgodlineffe, and hath obtained fome fettledboldneffe, and confidence atfome times , though hee be frill ignorant ofmanypriviledgeswhich he mightenjoy, and ofwhich hemightbe aflùred by the grace and bounty oftheLord; yea though through weakeneffehe wavereth often , doubt- eth againe andagaine, and becommeth like the fmoaking flaxe. Strong faith excelleth the former in certaine know- 3. Strang. ledge firme and full affent, lively confidencejoyned with fincere purpofe and refolution of unpartiall and confrant obedience. This beleever is better acquainted with the L z promifes