Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Motives andencouragements to belceve. I5.I fulltopreferve and grow in faith. For the flare of grace in this life is fuch as hath !till reliques of Pinne dwel- ling with it, and the Devil! and the world ftill lay liege againit the cattle of our faith to batter it, and prevaile muchwhen they finde us fecure and careleffe, but are prevented by diligence and watchfulneffe, the Lord aflifting. CHAP. XL Oftherightplantation o ffaith , andmeaner whereby it is confirmed. §. I , He neceffary nie , and excellent fruitsoffaith, fhould incite men , if they want , to feeke it with all diligence, and if they bee partakersofthat hea- venly gift , to hold and keepe it , to increafeand grow therein. And this the rather , becaufewe havemany en- couragements to beleeve, God dothbefeech men tobe re- conciled unto him : Should not this wonderfull clemency of God encourage us with boldnefíe and confidence to come unto him? Christ himièlfe doth gracioufly invite all that be poore, needy, weary,and heavie ladentocome untohim : and the Lord maketh ageneral] proclamation ofliberty toall diftreffed foules thatwill come and receive it , without exceptionof any in particular : which Should the rather affect , ifwee confider who it is that proclai- meth, inviteth, befeecheth, namely, God,who is able to helpe, and ready to forgive and fuccour. If a covetous man Should offer us anygreat kindnefhe , wee might doubt ofperformance becaufe it iscontrary tohis nature : but it is not fo with our Gods his name is gracious , and his nature is to bee faithful! in performance, and true in offer and promifing. In the covenant, that God ofhis rich grace andmercyhath made with his Church and people, fealed with Sacraments , and confirmed by oath , remiflion of L4 fns, Motives anden- cntso Glseve. z Cor. 5,1o. Ifay 55 r. Matth.u.2,8. Deut.79 Jer.31.34. Heb to iE. Pfa1.3.1e