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Mcanesfor the rightplanting offaith. 153 purchafed for us eternal' redemption; and by vertue of his obedience hath received for us , whatfoeverhediuiribu- teth unto us. Bybeleeving weeglorifie God both in his truth,power, wifedome, love, grace and mercy, whombefore wee di- Rom.¢. 8o, {honoured by our fames. For the graceofGod is manife- fled by faith in Jefus Chrift , in the declarationand ac- Rom.; 84,.s. knowledgment whereof ftandeth the chiefe praife and glory of the Lord, as the la(' endofall hisworkes. Mer- cyandcompafifon in man is but as thedropofa bucket in comparifonofthat huge Oceanofgrace that is tobefound in our God : But God requires that wee fhould forgive M,g,,i,ZZ; ourbrother feventie times feven times, ifhedid repent af- terhee had trefpaffed againfi us ; and will not our God, who exaâeth fuchcompaf ion in us , bemuch more ready to extend mercyunto us, ifwe foe unto him? Thereis no difficultie fogreat,either inrefpeátof fin, orofthe meanes, &c. butit bath beenovercomebyevery oneoftheSaints ;; which is our encouragement to feekefaith,that we might be healed. §. 2. Now the knowledgeof God andChrif} fuppofed, tra,§.8. . or the without which there can beeno faith, themeanes for the zght prawrGegof right planting offaith be there. faith. Firfi,ferious meditation ofour miferable efiatebyna- I tore, the multitudeand hainoufneffeofour firmes, andhow deepe flaine finne bath made in the foule. The Phy- fitian is welcome to the ficke patient : the guiltyperfon el}eemes his pardon. Hunger caufeth men to rate their Matth.9,I =, 3. meat : and mercy is pleafant tohim that knowes his need ofmercy. Secondly, learne and confider what promifesbe made 2 in the Gofpel, and to whom Chrifl offereth himfelfe; even to the thirflie , wearie, laden, andburthened ; to them that be flung inconfcience, parched with finne, that have neither fap nor fruit of grace. To themChrifi of- fereth himfelfe, and becomes a fuiter , that iftheywill comeuntohim , hewill cafe and refrefh, enrich and com- e fort